
Are you Russian? Did you leave? If there is some sort of hope visible on the horizon, then there's is a reason to stay and fight. I guess I'm curious what hope she and her friends saw, or if they tried to be that hope. And does she feel they were successful.

We're addicted to drugs and alcohol, but yes, we are very very fat. So the cliche is true enough here.

That's probably the most relevant question. It all boils down to whether or not she feels they made a difference...in Russia, not just pop culture.

I would if I lived in Russia or anywhere else with a similar history of human rights abuses. Don't you think all of the emigrants in this country would have tried for change if it was at all possible? People leave because they can see the situation is fixed and they can't exist in it without being persecuted.

The hate was clearly about over exposure. We've been (or I've been) seeing this guys face for 30 years now. People like change. But it turns that the next Tom Cruise has yet to show up. So until that happens, this one will do.

She's gonna get a nice book deal out of this. Middle aged women will eat this crap up just like '50 shades of grey'.

Re: the Movado Compass watch? A quick cut and paste into google got me this:

I wouldn't advise a man to be a prostitute. Also, while the sex worker may not be "inherently" unethical, 90% of your clients and associates will be. How do you, in all seriousness, separate yourself from that daily influence? Is your self esteem that bullet proof?

Don't be fooled. Obama-hate generates tons of cash to Repub Super Pacs. I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP made serious efforts to lose the race.

David Mamet became a Republican in 2008.

Imagine that family without money.

Next weeks column; 'The Health Benefits of Smoking Meth'

As an old man, after most of my adult life spent thinking society (micro or macro) is somehow to blame for most bad behavior, I now believe people are born with their individual dispositions, good or bad. A jerk at 13 is still going to be a jerk at 30. They might learn WHEN and HOW to cover it up for personal gain,

Is everybody stoned? It doesn't say Washington anywhere on this page except for your reply (and now mine).

The next bad thing that happens to you, you just earned it.

From taking the SAT's 20 years ago.

Wow. Hm. Um, just go back up to Daveinva and read down from there...

Actually, never say 'God Bless America' when you're in the Pakistani Mountains pretending to be Pakistani. That would be how that rule works. Got that, Mr. Bad Sarcasm?

If you're gonna make it a rule, then that's a pretty damn good place to start.

No one can tell Farrah anything. I'm pretty sure she'll only listen to/respect you if you're really rich.