
28. If you played this inside a mental hospital, there'd be a riot.

Santigold is still the 'gold standard' for this niche (IMO). But as evidenced by your fretting not lerving Banks, if they keep telling you she's (really really super) good, you WILL buy her album anyway.

No. It doesn't say anything like that at all.

In all seriousness, if you don't have children, you should be using a good chunk of your brain to track the daily news. I know it's impossible, and depressing, and all that, but it's kind of our responsibility. People with kids just can't devote that kind of time and energy to taking the problems of the world

Whew. Now that that's over, when are we going to bomb Iran?


Without replying directly to cap spleen, he's not publishing on motherflippin youtube. The doc is about his fight for recognized clinical trials.

Now playing

<—FDA suppressing cure for cancer because patent would go to one single man. Big pharma won't let that happen.

If you're in your thirties and don't have children, then this film is mandatory viewing.

The Chinese are an extremely creative people. I can't prove it, but I'm sure it must be true.

Because people who read the Enquirer are also big fans of Jezebel.

Uhh, you can't can't call it unethical if you're also using it. And no, saying you only showed it to make a point doesn't make it better.

That what you think: Personal EMF Shielding Devices

Is this one of the times when a Tin Foil hat might actually be advisable?

Back in the day she was like a basket of puppies crossed with...well, with Dolly Parton. If you were a woman, then criticizing her just made you look bitter and jealous. And if you were a guy and you noticed anything besides her boobs, well then suffice to say you couldn't be a member of the club (different days).

That was pre interntet. In today's media even Bill Clinton might not have gotten elected.

Save a semen sample.

Anybody who's been paying attention since the 80's knew that there was an inordinate amount of marketing going on in the 'studies' community. It's been fairly maddening actually. I mean there's just been too many 'Aha's' about simple things people have known about each other since the '30's (at least).

Just so everyone is clear, this is advice for emotional children. Adults know how to stop talking and let experience prevail. After all, if it's about solving a crisis, then it's not about your fragile, cry baby ego.