
I've been saying this since I first heard her name. It's almost automatic. In her early twenties, she'll look at sixteen year old girls, be struck by how easily manipulated they are, and realize that she was seriously victimized by everyone she was supposed to be able to trust. It's basic people-math.

If time travel were possible, then sending your consciousness back and forth would have to be how it occurs. Not physically. Also it would probably be purely observational. Sort of like remote viewing.

Programs like this are why we'll have less useless garbage. The good and useful products will still rise to the top. Advertising is only necessary to a point.

It's okay to watch the sexual exploitation of a minor now? How did it all go so wrong?

I downloaded the first episode last week. I thought it had already broadcast. I guess it was a ripped advance copy. In any case, the show I saw should never air. It's that bad. She shouldn't have tried to do the cutesy couple thing. Her stand up is blue, her biggest fans are dudes (I'm assuming), but instead of

Precise verbiage let's you know which writers actually read books, as opposed to just watching the tube.

I'm 40 now, but just for shiggles, I read the issues of Batgirl and Detective Comics. I was a fanatic from the age of eight all the way up until I started needing beer money. Long-short, the writing seemed very average, and not professional writer average, but like first year of college, 'Intro to Creative Writing'

"Hey let's trick the prisoners into preventing jail breaks."

It's the same for everybody who isn't a mannequin, play to your strengths and the people who relate gravitate.

Come on, we flew to the moon's orbit, dropped down in a box, rode a dune buggy across the surface, hopped back up into orbit to dock with our ride and then shot back 240,000 miles home. In 1969! Programming a clown car should be cake.

Drink more coffee. Your eyes aren't on yet.

Hawkeye is just like bullseye really, they should emphasize this in the film.

About the whole assuming effeminate men are gay thing', growing up in the eighties and maturing in the early-mid nineties, no, you definitely didn't judge guys for being ultra womanly. But now that there is so much freedom for homosexuals (where I live - S.F., Bay Area), if I'm talking to a guy who is proudly

I'm not hitting play on that. Seriously, that's really low. Complete lack of ethics on display here. Who are you people?

Maybe they should start making things people actually need. Nahhh, that's dumb.

The tension came from the possible death of the dreamer. Outside of that I was most impressed by how the visual direction melded with the literal story. Watch it again from the standpoint of a screenwriter and you'll see how it was absolutely imperative that the writer also be the director, as it was. This was a

This all seems to boil down to that basic hipster credo of "not trying too hard" or "caring too much."

I'm still waiting for someone to explain Japanese humor/pop culture to me. I've looked it up but it just seems like a bunch of westerners guessing. The scary thing (and the reason I'm curious) is that I'm pretty sure that their super sugary pop aesthetic is our entertainment future. Seriously!

@ResBasEco: Also, she was an accountant.

Had a roommate who was a normopath. You could be different, but only in so far as it was a confirmed pop culture cliche. Saying or doing things she hadn't seen on television would sometimes throw her into a highly agitated state. I used to be purposely ridiculous just to see her face switch from one extreme