Kante Anderson

It was terrible but I never felt like it was trying to be anything more than a stupid piece of shit. So in a way it was kind of a success.

It should be #1 in a separate category; Worst Dialogue.

I never got over how Charlie and his soul-dead wife basically shrugged it off after watching his sister's face get branded by gypsies. And since they continued becoming less sympathetic after that I wasn't able to care if things worked out for them or not. Especially since they ended up stealing that heart broken,

Just had to add this thought as I finish ep 10. This show is like 3 seasons of a great show (i.e. Sopranos) condensed into 10 episodes. They took out 90% of the quiet moments that gave the great shows texture, depth and sympathy for the devil and left us the slick, 1D, cliff notes version. However, all dings aside,

Perfect film. The only difference the the hard coded movie ethos of the time that all villains had to fail/die in the end.

Someone said there's a twist at the end that made it worth it.
That..was not a twist.

I'm half thru the first ep and I will say that her annoyance factor is successfully tempered by the rest of the cast. If the show focuses on the ensemble, it could be fun.

Just finished watching it, only reason I didn't turn it off was because I was seeing it for free. The reviewer is on point, the movie is oatmeal.

"I admittedly wanted Animal to destroy Imagine Dragons’ equipment much more than he did.":
Really, all the tv you've watched in your life and you didn't see the set-up for Imagine Dragon kidnapping Animal. Ah, well, tune in next week, i guess.

Let it run in the background while I was working, surprised myself by belly laughing not once but twice. It's just that cheezy.

"Halle Berry is an arresting actress who might think she’s in a different show entirely
All of the other performances are kind of depressingly broad (they don’t have to be, but they’re not written with much complexity)"

What the hell was going on two years ago that people thought this episode was that great? No sane government negotiates because there is ZERO political fall out if the kidnappers commit the murder. The blame is squarely on the people committing murder. Who doesn't know that by now?

Just finished this ep and, yep, it needs to end. There's nothing this show has that can stop the very obvious downward trajectory of the story. When Dillon killed himself, I congratulated him for getting off the ship before it sank itself.

Whew, just started a binge session of this series and three eps in I started wondering why I'd heard good things about it. Thanks AV club for making it clear that it doesn't get better. On to better shows…

Show was pretty well rated on netflix so I'm letting it run, but…the acting seems to be getting worse. And the story-lines are not very compelling. If something interesting doesn't happen soon I'm bailing for a documentary.

If the car is bulletproof, then maybe.

Just finished the whole season and I have to say, if you were a fan during the 80s golden era, then this series is for us. I literally got memory chills from the final shot of ep13.