I like her so that’s at least two.
I like her so that’s at least two.
Also, I gotta put my feminism on pause and slow clap for an amazing Freudian slip.
*shitty town.
All this tech and they can’t do a better job with Adobe photoshop?? Hard pass.
I was gonna say, women don’t want to go to that shitty town anyway.
What do people reckon should be the minimum amount of time for parental leave?
Could you imagine though if that’s how 99.9% of women experienced rape? By getting a NYT profile??
The entire discussion of vaccines cause autism is awash in white privilege.
Not sure why their logo colors aren’t white/off-white/beige/cream/ivory etc.
Also the Thinxx campaign featured fruit like vulva. It’s deeply unoriginal imagery in 2019.
The lengths and heights and depths the patriarchy will go to control women’s bodies.
Bohemian bags of trash are the worst.
Pretty sure this is the same Administration that recently criminalized LGBTQ service members.
Middle Earth.
I’m so offended. Fox News (among other things) is s business, not a community—they do not get to “request” a town hall.
I’m definitely cute.
I’m feeling oversaturated with the amalgamation political figures and entertainment. Count me out.
Also I think people are falsely classifying the Beyhive and its role in Beyonce’s iconography. The Beyhive is one feature of her celebrity that makes her iconic. Her/its deployment and control of social media gives her stature as an icon another layer given that no other artist has ever had this impact on that…
You’ve been played and you need to stop.