
Never forget or ignore the fact that Egyptian Christians are suffering under Islamic rule. Rami Malek is a Muslim from Egypt.

Please do tell how I am wrong.

What immigrants are you pertaining to? Either they’re legal U.S. citizens or they aren’t.

Sort out your pent-up anger sweetie

Maybe then you should co-operate more with the authorities and actually show you are on the side of the law.

Can’t speak on that, I haven’t read what happened.

Two wrongs don’t make a right, you’re deflecting the issue about illegal immigrants here.

Answer my fucking question. Is SWEDEN less progressive than PAKISTAN for never electing a female prime minister?

If you knowingly (or by chance) break the law, there will be consequences.

Newsflash: Pakistan has also had female leaders in the past, that hasn’t changed the brutal misogynistic culture and views on women. These leaders don’t ever change the mindset of the populace so the sex of a country’s prime minister is really irrelevant.

Lmao women love spouting all that shit about how it’s soo wrong to fat shame someone cuz they can’t help it (P.S: THEY CAN, IT’S CALLED DIET&EXCERCISE) but y’all don’t see any wrong with mocking a man’s height.

You’re joking right?? India is 1000x behind the US in terms of LGBT rights. This is actually a really small step, i don’t see any reason for celebration just yet

ETA: I believe that Gandhi would approve. ♡