
@LeonardMaltin: Qua? You might not like the game, but any reasonable, subjective, OR objective measure of "Good" certainly applies to WoW. It's engaging. It's beautiful (Seriously, it might be low-poly these days but do you play many other games with such a diverse palette?).

It grosses me out but there can be no winner other than banana_face.jpeg. The Tribe has spoken.

Fuckin' A look at Dawn of War 2.

I game. I gel my hair. Deal with it.

@Eric Roth: Fuck. The. National League. (West.)

Awww man. I only just found out how waaaay behind Naruto: The Broken Bond was. I don't pay that much attention to the show, and have shockingly fallen in love with the American voices. (The Japanese Naruto just kills me.)

It's just too bad that Burnout is a dreadfully boring game.

Booooooo. Claiming L4D as a M$oft victory is cheating.

You should try humming the second (?) movement of Binary Sunset or maybe the fantastic Throne Room (New Hope).

Mario Kart meets Forza? That's about as smart as Gears of War meets Mario Party.

They're re-releasing Quake 4?

First things first: Stop any development on anything related to Too Human.

@Blyr: Yeah, if you never heard of or played the Curse of Monkey Island you're almost not qualified to post on Kotaku.

@Moar_pr0nz: What was good about Army of Two? Can you think of a shittier looking Unreal 3 based game?

@Jake Rush: Decent? That game was a fucking travesty. Army of Two is the kind of knuckle-dragging embarrassment that puts gamers back 12 months every time they are released.

Too bad that the games are uniformly terrible.

@Lincolnsbeard33: Dude, Wrath of the Lich King came out just how long ago? You're nuts.

'So long and thanks for all the fish' would make me think he was leaving for good. Lots of games that also act as serious time-sinks frequently have people who quit or delete. Some occasionally like to take something down with them. It provides the same kind of rush and hilarity that I got when I would pump a