
Chris is available, & starring in a Kenneth Lonergan play. Hayley Atwell is also available, & starring in a Kenneth Lonergan miniseries (HOWARD'S END). Isn't it time this happen? Mr. Lonergan, get these two together! Cap fans have been waiting FOREVER!

If viewers have come this far with Lucious, I hope they have the sense to realize his issues don't pertain to race, regardless of his dialogue. They pertain to what the reviewer (and Cookie) correctly spotted as his complete and total narcissism. It's one thing to be selfish. Narcissism is self-involvement on a

AoS was already getting flack for taking a hiatus during the Olympics in February. With May sweeps coming up, they really could not hold off on new episodes any longer unless they wanted to commit show suicide. The momentum built in April is crucial to getting high ratings in May as the season ends.

I'm a Marvel fan who is a mom, too. I basically turned my kids into rabid little Marvel fans, and we made opening night a Movie Night for them & their friends (all ages 10+). I was at the theatre w/14 kids, and their parents were thrilled that I offered to be the parent in attendance (they still paid for their own

No way. Skye is a weakling physically. May needs to take him down.

It's similar to what Whedon did to David Boreanz (Angel) on BUFFY. The soulful romantic lead was pretty boring after season 1. But, the minute he lost his soul & turned into Evil Personified, man, the guy was on fire. Fans were truly shocked Boreanz had it in him to emotionally torture poor Buffy the way he did.

Rising Tide is small potatoes. I do think it exists. But, Skye being a part of it & making contact w/Coulson, out of all the SHIELD agents on Earth, was not just a happy coincidence. I think she & Coulson were set up by Hydra. Clairvoyant & Centipede were code names for separate projects/ruses that Hydra was