
At first I was going to say, just bc VLC appeared doesn't mean he was faking it, but then I watched him steer left while the car turned right....

Everything exists within space time

If the food is shit, isn't it their fault? Not like I know before I try it.

Agreed, I'm getting sick of Gizmodos bullshit headlines to lure in readers. I don't even see ads on the article so I don't know what it gets them.

Because he's a genius?

Yup I recognize all of them. *Troll Face*

Well it sounds a lot better than Rolling Whiskey Balls

Not sure, but one of these burgers looks like it could feed all of Paris.

Round Whiskey Stones?

What she said sounds a little bloated. I bet the guy called and complained, then Paypal told him to eff off. Then he smashed it, called and complained about it being damaged.

Is this implying that Google's video service does not stream encrypted media like Netflix? Not that I use Google Video anyways...

Will somebody please kill it with fire?

Haha I remember the OS ones. Didn't breast size have something to do with how inflated the marketing was?

They're paying people to blog about Chrome, but not necessarily write a good review?

Arg. I just signed up with these douches a month ago. And they argue that the $2 fee is to provide better service and support the costs of paying online. Doesn't it cost more to send a paper bill? Verizon = FU Environment!

This concept is too unrealistic. The smartphone market is one that deserves fair competition. The courts will never ban Android or willingly give Apple the keys to a monopoly.

Perpetual masturbation device


Time to invest in that jetpack guy

Just think, if Steve Jobs were still around he would be doing another FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... ANDROID!!!!