
Clearly I do XD. Dur

Let's take years of improving the energy efficiency of the household TV set and *rape* *rape* *rape* it.

Another misleading article title to lure readers in. "Movie Studios Caught Pirating Movies" when the article title clearly states that IP addresses assigned to Sony, Fox and NBC were found to have torrented content.

I was going to say the same thing, but then again I'm not familiar with how government and law is practiced in Austria.

Netflix Y U ONLY have sequels!

Bilet looks like he's about to run off camera and make himself one of these burgers. Looks sooo good, where can I get one? I know nothing about Chemistry or Culinary.

Yeah mom. It's fucking science, now piss off

Lol, okay listen. I just said that Android is open source which means Google is giving away their source code for free. That means the carrier is free to do whatever they want to the OS without Google being held responsible. Google doesn't protect you from the carrier it's not their job. Though this is one of the

Dear Apple fanboys. The article clearly states that it's the phone carriers who do this and not Google. But since Android is open source there's nothing Google can do to prevent the carriers from customizing the ROM. Apple unfairly tracks your location and claims not to. And they are fairly accurate. Rejoice all you

Same, my gf's phone had too much gunk on it. Rooting it and putting a custom rom on it was the only way. Even just a few apps can be too much when we're talking about bloatware *cough* HP *cough*

wow the video feed is pretty solid. If it were my internet connection Comcast would be like FU!!!!!!

It's more like the government is preventing people from going into counterfeit clothing stores, which I actually think IS wrong. I could understand if the website would somehow give you radiation poisoning or seizures just for going to it, but we should be allowed to wander into any establishment without big brother

The title of the article "Google Music: Everything We Know"

"I'm not sure if this design change counts as an admission of guilt but it sure feels that way."

Tell them WaffleBot!

80's photography is about to make a comeback

Why pink?

Why? Because nobody is going to buy the Vivid?

I think this is Intel taking what Nvidia said a few years ago and stuffing it down their throat. They were right, the graphics card is going to be a thing of the past.

I like to believe it is from a large Native American migration to the Chernobyl area. Probably smoking some new pipe weed.