And yet The Forever War, complete with its totally cool twist ending, still has no adaptation. (And guess what Hollywood: the book’s length is a “good fit” for a two-hour movie. It’s a win-win. IF it’s ever adapted.)
And yet The Forever War, complete with its totally cool twist ending, still has no adaptation. (And guess what Hollywood: the book’s length is a “good fit” for a two-hour movie. It’s a win-win. IF it’s ever adapted.)
Exactly. Movies like The Flash and Rebel Moon aren’t disappointments because nobody actually expected them to be any good.
I’d love to see someone make a big sci-fi/space opera movie like this, except the hero figure they all have to rely on ends up being MacGruber.
Snyder fans love this shit though. They don’t want to think about what the characters are feeling (most aren’t very interested in how other people are feeling in-general), they just want to move on to the next overshot tedious action scene.
Calling Snyder divisive instead of universally disrespected as an artist severely lacking in both skill and talent except for a bunch of psychotic sycophants that make his work their entire identity is the most generous thing anyone that isn’t them will ever say about him.
May The Farce Be With You Zack!
This ain’t your granddad’s Battle Beyond The Stars!
It sound like a game of Snyder Bingo where every card is a winner.
Imagine getting carte blanche and full creative control to do whatever you want...and still create a “director’s cut”. This guy and his fans are clearly in love with their own farts.
But-but the “Star Wars cantina” scene is set in a brothel! What better illustration of Zac Snyder’s deconstructive genius could anyone possibly need?!
That System of a Down-esque shit in the background of this trailer makes me laugh, which is probably not the intended effect.
trades in the aesthetic trappings of those classics without making the effort to engage on any emotional or philosophical level.
I assumed he would blame all of it on method acting. After all, wasn’t Meryl treated like shit on the set of Kramer vs. Kramer in order to get a “better performance” from her?
I wonder if Hoffman will blame any of this on method acting.
Can their version of ICE deport her after she finishes her sentence? Ours deport just for getting a speeding ticket or for calling police for help.
I love how one of her attacks on blacks in Jo’Burg is that they are “opinionated.” Like, how dare they think they are actually people, right? lol
And we’re supposed to feel sorry for the white farmers losing their (stolen) land over there... NOT
I shed a tear for her. Oh wait, those are tears from laughter!
In a landmark ruling, for what lawyers believe to be the first time ever in South Africa, a person has been…