
I'll remain reserved not only because I am against space travel , but these results might be a fluke.

If we want to get rid of earth's predator species we should get rid of ourselves, first and foremost. If we are truly interested about ending suffering then there is no other way than to be rid of all biological beings on the planet. Otherwise your "gradients of bliss" will always be shrouded by the very real shadow

Idiocracy is a movie that supports and promotes racism. Which is why it's so popular in western society, which is a racist society.

I remember those books. The only one I read out of the series was the grey king. It was a weird story to me. The only thing I remember was the wolf that could see the wind. Never bothered to read any of the other books besides the grey king.

The expression "peace of mind" is laughable.

Humans are doomed. What's new?

How something that doesn't exist, will give birth to something that doesn't exist. Right.....

If everything is made up of quantum or subatomic particles, how come at the human scale all the strange properties of matter/energy are lost?

You disagree? Why? I think it's a pretty big deal when you have a series based around Inuit, Japanese and Chinese peoples and then you cast white people and Indians to play the role of Inuits, Chinese and Japanese. This is not like comics where there are precedents for race bending, alternate realities and the like.

So if the higgs field is disrupted....? It's pretty clear that weapons will definitely be made out of these findings. Just make a higgs boson weapon that locally disrupts the higgs field and everything vanishes in that area. Much cleaner than an atomic or neutron bomb.

I guess all I was trying to express in a very convoluted way is that we should be respectful of all creatures as they are rather than try to manipulate them to fit our goals, agendas and fancies. I am well aware that human beings have been messing around with animals for a long while, but to directly alter their

First off, the idea of "animal uplift" at this point is purely science fiction. Also, if such a thing were to become reality, why should we accept it? The whole idea to me is not only irresponsible, it's unethical. The animal never asked, can never ask, and will never ask to have human aspects of cognition. It's just

I do not understand the term "animal uplift". How do you and others who buy into such an idea, arrogantly assume that altering the cognitive capacities of these creatures to be more human like, humans themselves being quite blatantly animals, is "uplift" rather than a downgrade?

The physical world is repugnant.

Repugnant egotism from the father. This is why I am an antinatalist.

Out of all the forms of government I read in this article, the dark enlightenment is the most plausible one, because we are currently living in it. Anyone who cannot see that world society is basically neo-feudalism, is fooling themselves and fooling others.

>>"Which if you're looking for a reason to keep living/breeding is the only thing that matters."

I find it hard to believe that you don't get this. The law of conservation of mass and energy is not a subjective guesstimate. It is quite clear on the fact that everything in the universe is a function of nil. Everything changes, everything around us is going where the dinosaurs went. These entropic forces are

I am neither an existentialist, a nihilist, an absurdist or a cynic. I am an antinatalist. I am not interested much in philosophy for it's own sake, or emotions, or betterment(see myth of progress). I am interested in breeding and the consequences thereof, which are always negative, imposed and unnecessary, so I am