
Totally see where they are coming from. Because of the way SP has always handled the boys v girls dynamic there wasn’t a very organic way to let you be girl.

I’m sure it had been rehearsed. Same with God of War and Days Gone.

I wish I could have been apolitical at 18.

Yeah; if it is true. And even if it isn’t true — this in no way delegitimises Black Lives Matter.

Yeah. We funded the death squads that murdered a bunch back in South America during the 80's, actually.

You don’t even need the GOP because insurance companies are pulling plans out of the market.

SINGLE PAYER MOTHERFUCKERS! Revolution. KILL the GOP! They’re half dead anyway.

if they had to buy into the ACA themselves, the system would be a LOT different.

The ACA is going to die the death of a thousand cuts. Too many concessions were made which have allowed the GOP to both prophesy its failure and engage in conduct to fulfill that prophesy.

Yeah fuck people without health care. WHat a victory!

No it’s not. “Objective” would be a play-by-play of the facts, untouched by opinions or analysis. An objective version of this article would look something like this:

On one side of this coin, due to this article I realize that a lot of the labeling on our food today is full of bullshit and a need for more vigilance both on our part and on the part of the government to ensure that our food is safe.

Cholula? How bougey.

In other news:

I do not believe it was an-off-the-cuff slip of tongue. Hilary Clinton was active in politics during the AIDS crisis and Reagan administration, and when her husband became president they had to directly contend with Reagan’s legacy of failure on HIV/AIDS. She is also an incredibly eloquent, experienced public speaker,

Another “regrettable” moment. It’ll be easily dismissed as a vocal miscue, or a timely change of heart.

That’s fine. But I’ve seen the Clintons sell out the left too many times. I’m deeply and profoundly tired of them and done with them. Because this time it’s going to mean abolishing Social Security or privatizing Medicare.

She’s a terrible candidate. It’s why she lost in 2008. The myth that she’s more electable than Bernie is just that... a myth. The nomination was structured in every way to make sure that it was easy for HRC and she STILL can’t win.

I think it’s telling that to find someone justifying this, one has to resort to reading fucking Vox.

So full of shit. I replaced HIV/AIDS with Alzheimer’s Disease in her statement, and it makes NO FUCKING SENSE.