
This movie succeeded as a delivery system for Daisy Ridley and John Boyega. But it just isn't very good once you take even one second to think about it as a story that's supposed to occur in an actual world. It's not a miserable debacle like the Prequels; It's just basically a 2-hour test reel for the new

Are you referring to the spoiler that anyone can see coming a mile away? If so, I was also 'spoiled'.

This is, actually, a totally legit ranking.

Kang finds it frustrating that people can't relax enough to enjoy Bill Burr. Kang is a pro-gun control, Republican-hating, queer-friendly leftist and thinks Burr is absolutely hilarious. And of course the guy hates PC. So do a lot, if not most, comedians. Their job is to get on stage and wring laughs and

And you probably
1)haven't actually listened to much Howard Stern. Kang intensely disagrees with all three of those positions and adores the man.

If you had to agree with Howard to love him, then there would be at least 47% fewer Stern fans out there. I loathe his taste in music and agree that he's ridiculously blinkered when it comes to Podcasting (let's face it, the guy just can't deal with 'radio hosts' who haven't paid their dues the way he has)— but he's

If John Simon wants to fuck with Kang, Kang says bring it on, old man.

Weird Science is great. How dare you.

John Simon is immensely readable, despite being utterly wrong and even cruel in a lot of his judgements. Kang remembers reading his original review of Taxi Driver, in which he described Cybill Shepherd as having all the physical charm of 'Mussolini in drag'. Christ.

Kang is loathe to defend Hillary Clinton, but really? HER poll numbers are the ones you find alarming?

Uh… word to the wise, I wouldn't just go blabbing Randy's location on the internet. Unless you want to see a video of him doggystyling his wife while she wears a mask with your face printed on it.

ID4 is an entertaining movie, but who really takes it that seriously? For god's sake, it's heavily implied that Randy Quaid got anally probed by the aliens, and he ultimately defeats the mother ship by flying into its sphincter. The movie is goofy as hell, and better for being so.

If there's one thing Kang loves more than a bad-spelling burn, it's a deep cut reference to bad '90's action movies.

She played a recovering junkie in 'Little Fish' and it was tremendous. That movie is also a high-water mark for fans of Hugo Weaving and Sam Neill.

The MCU claims another massive talent! And Kang couldn't be happier. Forget prestige dramas… Goofy genre movies are where great actors REALLY prove how indispensable they are. (see Mckellen, Ian and Molina, Alfred)

Kang would give it five seasons of being watchable. But he recently popped in the first episode of Season 6 and it was so utterly tedious that he immediately dropped the show and isn't remotely curious about the last two seasons.*

'Angry? Angry's the only flavor ghost… I goddamned have!!!'

More like 'Batman V Superman: Amy Adams' House Payment'

Jesus, Marvel. As someone who just time-traveled from being a kid in the mid-eighties, let me give you a simple piece of advice: The X-Men were cool because they represented the school for kids who were gay, fat, and bad at sports. They weren't always in control of their powers, and they lost a lot of fights.

Hey true believers! Meet adorable baby Juggerblob!