Take your Last Man Standing articles and shove it up your gaping PWR BTTM already
Take your Last Man Standing articles and shove it up your gaping PWR BTTM already
Oh, I was agreeing with you, I hope that didn't come across wrong. I would think any website that dunks on Trump as often as AVC does would know their First rights.
This is a pretty impressive swing-and-miss, not gonna lie.
(whistles quietly)
Gorsuch got sent to Extended Spring Training. They might call him up once rosters are expanded in September.
I don't think Beck's ever been properly synced up with any era.
That's how the First rolls y'all, I can only imagine how the moral majority felt when Flynt stuck it to Falwell.
And thus the cycle continues. the 90's, dripping in bombast and earnestness, will seep back in to overtake the current age of irony and nihilism… and in 20 years it'll flip again… in some other form or shape… I dunno. I had a thought here but it's lost now.
Weltschmerz, I gotta remember that one.
So I'm a bit picky, big deal y'all
I… I mean… can't we leave AFHV out of this… (nervously changes channel)
Is this the same Tony Danza from the Best Picture-winning 2004 drama Crash?
Everybody has their various 'We could have jetpacks by now' moments in life. This headline came pretty close to triggering such a moment for me
What makes you think I want to hear you meow..
You talk to your mother with that mouth?
AM Radio. Flip through the channels sometime. You'll either laugh or be terrified.
I'm not confirming or denying this, but we do have ten-cent beer nights every New Torture Moon!
Cheap plug for commentariat lifeboat? Yep. Cheap plug it is. http://tolerabilityindex.fr…
C'mon over
S'all good AV Club, it's Friday yall. Go have yourself a brewski.