I'm going to continue pronouncing it Fyukes so I can talk to my dad about it without feeling weird
I'm going to continue pronouncing it Fyukes so I can talk to my dad about it without feeling weird
It gets 40 hectares to 1 liter of kerosene. Put it in H!
WTB 1x Kia Felch PST
Oops, found him.
I also thought of Jack with the racing-a-Neon crack... but I never found his articles to be elitist, they're usually very positive.
Don't forget about the 13-year-old-who-is-75%-through-Gran-Turismo-and-thinks-250hp-is-too-slow-even-though-they've-never-driven-a-real-car review.
There is no need to make this guy a martyr. The lines that were removed were excessively snarky and were riffing on the actual facts which were left in. He editorialized a bit and they had mercy on a sponsor by taking some of the sass out. There's no journalistic ethics involved. If he resigned over his right to…
it is what it is
I don't understand all the ire for the iPad... calm down! Nobody is saying you can't have a Gameboy anymore. Your Gameboy is fine. Now do you mind if we come out with a new device that people like?
Does someone need to point out the hypocrisy of having concern for Consumer Rights when the consumer is driving a Lambo, but not when they are children playing with toys painted with lead paint? Or of having concern for Consumer Rights but none for Human Rights, like ousting farmers from their ancestral homes to…
Allow me to explain why the name will prevent me from ever taking this game seriously.
I love how the back of it looks like Optimus Prime's face.
Good thing there's no back seat, because it's really difficult to get bodily fluids out of suede.
Replacing the sound of a German air cooled mill with the sound of a giant blender should be considered a moral atrocity on par with painting Rivers Cuomo glasses on the Mona Lisa.
Ditto... I have a B5, if I park next to a B8 it looks about half the size.
Finally! I don't know why Europeans love them so much, I am just not a fan of the hot/shooting/sport hatch or whatever power words you want to put in front of it. I just want a car that looks like a car and not a tiny station wagon.
I see absolutely no problem here. Carry on.
I dig the interior. Also I would remove the hood emblem and wear it on a chain.
I appreciate your joke. I was planning to make the same one but I figured I'd check first.
Agreed. Driving a Caprice Classic during a blizzard is some of the most driving fun I've had in my life.