
My one beef is with calling the GTO the car "everyone wanted"... the car everyone wanted was an homage to the "Goat" of old. What they delivered was a car that looked exactly like every other late model Pontiac with a canned engine and absolutely no innovation whatsoever.

OK so the consensus is, a "Bare Necessity" truck has no convertible seating area, is a useably large size and gets good gas mileage from using a diesel engine, defining a vehicle which has existed forever.

Call me a rookie, but if they've changed the block and the cams, what about it is the same engine?

For the first time ever, I completely agree with all of you on everything you just said.

Well sure, 850hp is fine for a daily driver, puttering back and forth to the office, but on the weekends I want some REAL muscle.

"sodium filled valves"? Sounds like my heart.

the Audi 2.7 twin. It had everything you described in the above Bimmer engine, 10 years ago. Sure it clocked a modest 260hp out of the factory here in the US, but by doing the conversion to the Euro RS4 you can get 400hp on stock internals. Now that's some conservative engineering.

When I wrecked my 1989 Chevy Beretta my grandmother bought me a bone stock 2003 Sunfire. The seats have this weird jungle camo pattern on them. The interior is the heighth of chintz, but there's so few moving parts that nothing breaks. The Ecotec mill puts out a surprising amount of power for a Homelander except

Totally should have called this one The Black Panther.

They should have just bumped it gently with a Crown Vic. Scions are made of Legos, it would have just fallen to pieces instantly.

The flash didn't go off. I can't see the car.

Def the Porsche. Saying a 928 has transmission problems is redundant. Therefore it's in mint condition. QED

I like how it's now common belief that if you bring a car to the Nurburgring it will drive itself in a uniform fashion and return a time proportional to the specs of the car, regardless of who's behind the wheel or any other cars on the track.

Dude I don't even let my GIRLFRIEND drive my car.

Could someone better versed in physics please explain how lift has no effect on handling at speeds below 100 MPH? Thank you.

When I rule the world, everybody bragging about their quarter times with an automatic trans and a launch button will be publicly executed.

Did they laugh and smoke a doob together afterwards? It must be nice to live in California.

I'm surprised nobody commented on how it looks unerringly like a current-model Acura TSX. If I knew how to embed images I'd put my money where my mouth would be.

Wow, they have shapeshifters in Nigeria? It's amazing how much more advanced they are over there.

my active fanboi status forbids me from commenting negatively on this.