Shrug. I still use mine once in a while. Remember when the Blu-Ray copy of the same film on HD DVD looked better? Me neither.
Shrug. I still use mine once in a while. Remember when the Blu-Ray copy of the same film on HD DVD looked better? Me neither.
It figures. Since I only play on a 360 I usually have the option for this extra stuff...for games I don't care about. Now there's a game I'm really looking forward to, and the other console gets all the perks.
Soul Calibur crew are pussies. Can't wait until Kratos is humiliated and killed by...oh, I dunno. Sonya?
I was hoping for that bigger kid to then flatten the fat kid, then a BIGGER kid comes and flattens HIM, then an EVEN BIGGER kid comes and takes out the bigger kid...and so on. Until it's basically Godzilla smacking Voltron.
The Shao Kahn/Announcer's voice you hear at the end is so, so bad. Sounds like some random guy trying to do a Kahn impression.
Nonsense. This isn't the 90's anymore, it's hardly ridiculous for gamers to expect at least some post-launch support on games, especially when they're released by a company as large as EA. Being "spoiled" has nothing to do with it.
The sadder story is Stevie Richards (as in, pro wrestler Stevie Richards) pitching a perfect game in MLB 2k11...but doing it BEFORE this year's contest started, so he gets no prize.
Of course - the ONE time there's a demo I actually care about is the ONE time the PS3 gets it exclusively. Sigh.
A 2D fighter that takes place in the Savage Dragon universe would put Marvel vs. Capcom 2 to shame. SO many characters with so many different gimmicks.
I do love the fact that is addressing this kinda-sorta retcon rather than just disregarding everything that has happened for like ~10 years.
"Noooooooooooo you BITCH! You BITCH!!!"
Agreed. Ever since Steve Ritchie stopped doing Shao Kahn's voice (last from the UMK3/MK Trilogy era), it hasn't been the same.
Not only am I promoting this comment, I'm seconding this request.
Probably my most anticipated game of the first half of the year.
"They should put away the plastic and try new things. "
"I've been waiting for this for a while. Rock Band is dead. Guitar Hero is dead."
Honestly...good riddance. Rock Band does it right, they deserve to be the "winner," although there were some recent cuts at Harmonix which sort of puts this "victory" in a sour light.
Kind of lame to add going prone in, but I'm excited for this. Hopefully prone is left out of the inevitable BFBC sequel.
@Mattwdr: You can't have it all!