
Surprised Zac didn't steal that shit. If it existed back during that tour.

I heard it. I can't unhear it.

@SnakeCL: Your comment is SO promoted right now. The double-standard that is set when comparing these two series is almost sickening. That said, I like both series, while you seem to not. No big deal.

Can't wait for MvsC4.

I don't think it's hyperbole to say it is very clear that the "husband" is the worst person in history.

I'd say yes, but only because I wasn't that interested in the 3DS to begin with.

Re: that link in the original post...

Rock Band 3 was better than all of those. Word is bond.

I would have been REALLY impressed if he had the foresight to title it "Operation Hastings Loading Song" when it was originally written.

@Shady3011: They're not a journalistic outlet. They're a video game blog. People just TREAT it like a journalistic outlet.

@enzo_man: at least according to how this article makes it sound-

HELL no. Battlefield BC2 was a much richer experience than Call of Duty, for christsake.

No new consoles until 2014, please. At the earliest.

I'm glad to see this game is getting the respect it deserves despite not really catering to this site's core audience (to put it as nicely as I can).

Not unexpected (that it would stink). Still disappointing.

Yeah, no thanks. Bring back something similar to 1 vs 100.

@OneKidney: Why would you choose to miss out on good games?

@Taggart451: They couldn't pay me to take an iPhone over a Droid. You have chosen wisely.