You all suck (so far) for not once mentioning Rock Band 3.
You all suck (so far) for not once mentioning Rock Band 3.
Santa-Hat Ryu will be available as an alternate costume for 160 Microsoft Points. Of course, it's already on the disc, you're just paying to unlock it.
@RicoTheSaboteur: ...why?
That one kid didn't deserve a Dreamcast if he wasted his choice of game on Chef's Luv Shack.
Definitely want one of these. Could also use it for UMK3 on Live, as well as the rumored (it has to be coming out, right?) HD remake of the older game(s).
@wohdin: If you're into Mortal Kombat, you don't "even..." need to bother asking that. Like riding a bike.
@leo_landio: I'm promoting this comment due to the awesome incorrect name.
This photo suddenly makes me wish I had a giant box of XBox 360 cereal.
@MesaBoogieTool: But not in sales! Ahahaha! Bow-chick-DONGbadabadaba BAM! YOU GOT SERVED! Somebody call my momma! Oh yeah! SCORE!! HE'S ON FIRE!!! FLAWLESS VICTORY!!!!!!
@dmcshinobi: Yeah. Batman doesn't cry like a girl, he accepts the 360 he asked for with quiet dignity.
@SpiritThief: Yeah, Netherrealm is the MK dev studio name.
Digging the bookends...great idea.Will probably pop for that version.
Smurfs are not human, therefore they have no human rights. I can work those little imps until they fucking keel over dead if I want.
@Kamix: Is anyone surprised though? Their target wasn't really to have all these crazy innovative products, it was to get some of the Wii's audience. We'll probably see a neat game here and there, but that's about it.
Crossing my fingers this is a Rock Band 3-ish "exclusive instrument" deal where anyone who knows the unlock code can access it, despite it being promoted as a regional/retailer-specific bonus item.
@Ryohumar: gaben
Today I had to spend 20 minutes digging my car out of snow, was an hour late for work, and after I got to work I realized how many accounts across various websites I have to change when my password is potentially comprimised.
@Hatebunny: Really? Boll beating on his critics is like the dumb jock saying to the nerd whose test he cheated from "you're mad that I'm cheating off of your paper? How'd you like my fist in your head?"
Setting his race back hundreds of years. The human race.
@Tebasaki: Luke, really? Fox news? Really?