
All those liberal tears keep Miller young.

Bit of a stretch. Maz is extremely old, and shown to have a lot of contacts throughout the criminal underworld. Cloud City was being evacuated while Luke was having his hand cut off. It’s more likely that it was found by an Imperial or a scavenger, than by Lando.

We already have his struggles in TFA, during and following the massacre of the village. For the purposes of the story, do we really need more of the same?

The OT didn’t really give us any more backstory than we absolutely needed for the story. Characters appear in the story when they need to, as fully realised people.

Kidnapped from whom?

It’s the last movie of the trilogy, and the last movie of the Skywalker saga. Is now really the best time to explore the back story of characters who aren’t part of the Skywalker line and don’t really need their back story explored?

J.J. Abrams promised The Rise of Skywalker will shed more light on Finn and Poe’s mysterious pasts

Honestly the “looking fantastic” part of New Who has always been a problem for me. Part of the fun of classic who is how cheap it all looks and how you can tell when the BBC was really cutting corners.

Now playing

I had heard that they were going for a more cinematic look when Chibnall took over, and was surprised when I didn’t really notice it. Moffat’s episodes in America had a more cinematic look.

“A woman who is canonically strong with the Force and daughter of the chosen one used a basic Force technique! Sacrilege!”

Behind the scenes possibly fun fact: One of the key plot points wouldn’t have worked if Rian hadn’t gotten some feedback.. Rian originally wanted Ana’s character to be Cuban like the actress is. Ana and her mother’s actor are both Cuban, and the little sister’s actress is Puerto Rican by way of NYC.

Lovingly subverting storytelling genres and tropes is what Rian Johnson has done for his entire career. Absolutely there’s an argument to be made for making “straight” versions of all of these types of stories. But I’d never in a zillion years look to Rian Johnson to do it. His whole thing is taking apart stories,

What part are you disputing? That only a subset of the fandom is mad, or that it’s extremely vocal?

Al the things that made it awesome, you mean?

I have a pretty strong feeling that JJ is about fix cravenly retcon most of the things about The Last Jedi that made everyone an extremely vocal subset of the fandom mad.

J.J. Abrams isn’t the blindly stubborn ass that George Lucas is. I’d like to think that Abrams is honest enough to see the things that worked about TLJ, and run with them.

And alll the things that were exciting and different

The Force Awakens wasn’t a reboot, it’s a continuation of the story, a sequel if you will.

In my screening you could actually hear everyone breathe out again after the sound returned following the Holdo Maneuver.

Fuck yes. I was actually breathless during all those things. (And the throne room fight.)