
Behind the scenes possibly fun fact: One of the key plot points wouldn’t have worked if Rian hadn’t gotten some feedback.. Rian originally wanted Ana’s character to be Cuban like the actress is. Ana and her mother’s actor are both Cuban, and the little sister’s actress is Puerto Rican by way of NYC.

Lovingly subverting storytelling genres and tropes is what Rian Johnson has done for his entire career. Absolutely there’s an argument to be made for making “straight” versions of all of these types of stories. But I’d never in a zillion years look to Rian Johnson to do it. His whole thing is taking apart stories,

What part are you disputing? That only a subset of the fandom is mad, or that it’s extremely vocal?

Al the things that made it awesome, you mean?

I have a pretty strong feeling that JJ is about fix cravenly retcon most of the things about The Last Jedi that made everyone an extremely vocal subset of the fandom mad.

J.J. Abrams isn’t the blindly stubborn ass that George Lucas is. I’d like to think that Abrams is honest enough to see the things that worked about TLJ, and run with them.

And alll the things that were exciting and different

Right there with you. Everyone I know has enjoyed TLJ. I loved the risks it took and the different directions things went; it felt like new ground was broken and it stepped away from conventions in a way that TFA did not. I don’t know why so many people complain about it being boring or whatnot. Not the experience I

The Force Awakens wasn’t a reboot, it’s a continuation of the story, a sequel if you will.

In my screening you could actually hear everyone breathe out again after the sound returned following the Holdo Maneuver.

Fuck yes. I was actually breathless during all those things. (And the throne room fight.)

‘The Last Jedi’ made Star Wars feel epic again. The Holdo Maneuver, the showdown between Kylo and Luke, Rey’s vision in the cave - these were the kind of things that made me feel like there really was a galaxy far, far away where stuff like this happened, just like Cloud City and Hoth and the Death Star did all those

I don’t think it trampled on mythology. I think it opened the windows and let some fresh air into the mythology. And I fucking loved it for that. I am a big, big Star Wars fan, but there were a lot of things that I really wanted to see in its lore, going all the way back to childhood, which I never actually did until

TLJ was literally everything my childhood self ever wanted from Star Wars. But I guess my childhood doesn’t count. 

knives out, like coming out, like they’re gay or something?? isn’t that just forced diversity why can’t we have straight knives anymore???

This man RUINED knives for me. Just totally crapped all over my childhood.

Here’s what really bothered the people who didn’t like it, it’s not that the movie was egregiously bad because honestly it was better than all of the prequel movies and everyone hated those and Star Wars lived on. It’s that no one cared that they didn’t like this one. That’s why they go on weird rants in comment

I am keeping the phrase “amuses me off.”

So a fun story about the toxic fandom thing and regular fans. Back in 1995 (In the way back times) I was hanging out with some friends, just chewing the fat and such, and we mentioned our favorite parts of Star Wars. I mentioned that I loved the ewoks. This guy from the back of the store gets starts yelling at us,

One thing that amuses me off is how people who obsessively hate TLJ vastly overstate their impact and influence. These people talk like they led some sort of movement and because of them Disney is in chaos and Kathleen Kennedy is on suicide watch. Meanwhile ROS ticket sales broke records.