
The thing that surprised me about it was after all the hoopla, hype, and pearl clutching, almost all of the movie’s anger and ire is directed at the wealthy and powerful.  There really isn’t any punching down in the movie.  At least not that I perceived.  Most of the incel/mass shooter types tend to place the blame

“Bottom line is no one is saying you can’t say things or do things. It’s just that it’s going to be received a certain way by certain people and you’re gonna have to shoulder that. And if you’re isolated or marginalized or pushed into a corner because of your point of view or what you have to say, yet you still have

It’s such a great juxtaposition between Maron & Phillips- One guy, who spent decades failing until he succeeded, and looks at adverse response as an opportunity to hone & improve. The other guy is Todd Phillips.

What is Phillips even complaining about? The Hangover movies and Old School were either a. well-received, b. wildly successful, or c. both, in some cases. I don’t remember any extreme public backlash. So how exactly has “woke culture” prevented him from making comedies?

Also, it’s not even edgy or provocative. Imagine being the dude who made ‘the Hangover’ and ‘Old School’ and thinking that your comedies were just, like, too edgy and in-your-face for modern society, maaaaaan.

Me who complain that the #metoo movement or “woke” culture changed the rules are tacitly admitting that they’re misogynist, or racist; etc.

Maron showing yet again that he gets it. It’s good to see that from someone who is not only middle aged, but doing excellent work on GLOW and with his podcast.

Gawd so sick of these sjw woke snowflake millennials like Marc Maron.

Really glad he said this.  I know some people that listen to him who probably need to hear it.  

“Cancel Culture” is just yet another buzzword created to start a pushback against something that has existed since the beginning of time. In this case, it’s “holding people responsible for their actions”. Turns out, the more we hold people responsible for their actions, the more that begins to make other certain people

If I may make an avatar suggestion for you:

If I have my numbers right, the money he “saved” by eliminating health benefits for 9000 people is equivalent to the money he makes in 6 hours.

It’s because in a sense, comedy itself is liberal (I don’t mean politically). A lot of comedy comes from surprise, approaching things from new angles, etc., and conservative thought is by definition not approaching anything from a new angle. “Edgy” humor can be offensive, but Gillis’ brand of edgy is literally just

Santorum is an abject hypocrite.  I don’t even like to keep his name in the public discourse.

Its my observation that conservatives are congenitally incapable of recognizing irony, whether deliberate or unintended. What kind of humor do you get from people like that?

Not to mention”senator” Santorum who was soundly voted out of congress. A guy who admitted to agreeing to a second trimester abortion to save his wife’s life but called it a miscarriage. But wouldn't let us have one to save OUR lives. 

Having him on is a double slap in the face to someone like Soledad, who used to be a contributor there. Of course, that is the same network whose CEO was a co-producer on the first Apprentice as well as this #ApprenticeWhiteHouse... and that’s the same network where Mark Anthony Neal was dismissed for hinting that

What ‘made’ the original face-off was Asian cinema’s penchant for overt unapologetic sentimentality imported to the US by director John Woo. If they take the screenplay and turn it into a Jason Statham action flick there will be nothing left of the film.

Jeff Goldblum / Aubrey Plaza

I’d like to see more study on what people are thinking of when they decide what “10" on a 1-10 scale means to them. Is it the worst pain they’ve ever felt themselves, or are they picturing some Mel Gibson-esque live intestine removal? Is their personal pain scale linear or logarithmic?