Yeah, it was a great cast, but the script was meandering. Neither the plot nor the story had any real shape to them.
Yeah, it was a great cast, but the script was meandering. Neither the plot nor the story had any real shape to them.
Why do transcriptions of his quote say “#MeToo”? I’ve listened to the clip, and I don’t hear him pronouncing a pound sign aloud.
They’re both censorship; neither of them is government censorship.
I always thought of Deep Rising as his only good movie. Then I found out that, no, in fact Deep Rising is the good Stephen Sommers movie, leaving me with no Paul W.S. Anderson movies to call good.
Just used Ran the other day in one of those “10 movies that impacted you” FB things.
Kinda sounds like the guy doing the “dramatic reading” doesn’t get the tongue-in-cheek tone of the text.
It’s a mocking question, because the word for a person who plays the cello is “cellist.”
I dunno, as a kid at the time, I was into the Burton Batman movies in large part because of the psychosexual horror and disfigured bodies.
There are definitely movies I like and consider trashy fun! I’m a big fan of the Friday the 13th series. Switchblade Sisters is definitely a favorite of mine. Starcrash would rank pretty high on my trash-o-meter, and I kinda love that dumb little flick.
But TFA also sets up a character arc that requires her to get over that obsession with her own parentage. If anything, the problem is that TFA wasn’t in sync with itself.
Yeah, I’ve never been able to get any sense of scale in King Kong Escapes.
Deep Blue Sea is one of the rare movies I turned off rather than finish watching. Not because it was bad, but because it was boring. I do not see the “trashy fun” in it at all.
I mean, in the original King Kong, there are at least three different scales at which Kong exists, depending on the needs of the scene.
It was never set up as a plot point; it was set up as a character point, and from TFA it was clear that the resolution of Rey’s arc would require her getting over the need to have her identity defined by her parents.
How was it underrated? I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone offer anything but effusive praise for the movie or the performance.
The Monster demands a mate!
Once, in high school, a friend and I got away with reciting pretty much the entirety of that song in a history class, and the teacher never once seemed to notice that we were rhyming.
And most people don’t want to drink that much beer in 15 minutes.
It’s pretty easy for “friendly” to veer into “apparently sarcastic and mean spirited,” thought, which may well be how the server interpreted it.
Every definition of the word I’ve ever encountered, every essay or article I’ve ever read discussing the camp aesthetic. Self-conscious exaggeration/theatricality is a fundamental aspect of camp.