Just watched that episode last night!
Just watched that episode last night!
It was pretty recently, though I can’t remember the movie off the top of my head. Generally, if my wife and I want to watch a recent release, we check how much it is to stream, and if it’s more than about $2.99, I make the 2-minute trip to our local Redbox and rent it cheaper, and enjoy the superior playback quality…
Vampires specifically aren’t reflected in mirrors, because of the silver backing. There’s no silver in most puddles.
Wow, you found something positive to say about “Move Along Home”! Bravo!
You see those facial expressions and think the person wearing them looks “fun”? I just see “intolerably smug.”
That is how television episodes are numbered. Content from season one is from 1xx, season two is 2xx, etc.
Why would anyone try to split a single Oreo between two people?
That is my favorite episode of the whole series. Not only did it give us the marvelous Hotel le Rut runner, but also Plummet, First Poem, Fletcher Christian and Joymakers - wall-to-wall classics.
I don’t think it’s referencing anything, it’s just playing with the way that people can get fixated on the details of something, whether or not it’s really important.
What do you want us to think about? Chromosomes? Hormones? Internal reproductive anatomy? Social and psychological roles and experiences? If I can’t immediately and accurately label you based on one piece of external anatomy, then my whole life is a lie!
To my tastes, season 2 of Buffy and season 5 of Angel are the two top seasons of either show. Somewhat appropriately, Buffy peaked early, with its raw teenage emotionality; whereas Angel had to grow into its study of adulthood.
“Code-switching” is a linguistics term, and its earliest known use was in reference to native tribes in California.
I had the same feeling, but it wasn’t one I’d never had with Star Wars before, it was just one I hadn’t had since I first saw Empire. To me, TLJ always felt like a return to what Star Wars had once been.
It means exactly the opposite of what he thinks it means, in this instance.
“Floated” by A&W?
I believe that was a pro-Common Core comment, implying that McDonald’s recognized that the new generation had a better grasp of mathematical concepts.
Oh, I agree. Like I said, that was just pedantic nit-picking on my part.
Picking at a nit here, but graduating from high school does not automatically make one “not a teenager.” Most Americans graduate from high school sometime after turning 18 and before turning 19, and so have between 1 and 2 years left as teenagers, and the remainder of Spider-Man doesn’t seem to take place that long…
Yeah, the author’s interpretation of the tone of the song is baffling to me.
While others are right in pointing out that the show doesn’t really “kill off” the dog, it does kill off another pet at one point, so your aversion can remain intact.