
Three lines into the film Sam Worthington kisses (a supposedly cancer ridden?) Helena Bonam Carter and then says "So that's what death tastes like." o_o ...draw your own conclusions.

that makes three of us :(

@AngriestGeek: I wouldn't really use Bond as an example. If some of the older ones were released in theatres today, they would definitely be rated R or heavily edited. Smacking around and borderline raping women seems like rated R material to me.

@Death_By_SnuSnu: They could never really remake this for US television, the language, the violence, the brilliantly naughty adult situations.... It's moments like this that remind me why I'm glad I live in Canada, where this kind of programming is called "edgy" and plays at 9pm.

Your comparing this to The Wire? And Twin Peaks? Come on Charlie that's a bit of a stretch. Both of those shows were full of well developed characters with their own interesting story arcs. On Fringe you lose Walter and you'll quickly realize just how weak this show is. And I love Walter, I really do. But I watched

@bluebottle: LoL! that's totally what I was thinking...

@HumphreyLee: Personally I would love to see Clayface or even a Batman The Animated Series version of the Clock King, though I suppose now after Inception Clock King would seem like rehash. But I guess lesser known villains wouldn't make the cut. But Clayface would be sooo cool.

On a side note, what was up with The Power Pack using the music from Edward Scissorhands as their theme music?

@Platypus Man: Why is it that Limbo seems to be shared between everyone?

Ha, your dirt quote is part of what Spike said to Buffy in her weird I hate you but let's have a lot sex phase.

@DocSeuss: Normally I would agree with you, but I read the script (when it was still Edwin Salt) and I really enjoyed it. It was a solid action flick that didn't come off like it was trying too hard. I didn't have to force myself to turn the pages, I honestly wanted to find out what was going to happen next.