
I was hoping my would be on there since I mostly play reaper. The ambush style play is fun and he has decent survivability. Sometimes your name chooses you though. This was the network name my brother put on my first computer to play doom multiplayer close to 30 years ago and I have been using it ever since. Good

I’ll accept that. I think the character design is great in Overwatch. Some kind of cliche’d ideas but hard to get away from those altogether while retaining mass appeal. I think I wish there was just a little more. Like the idea of multiple equip slots in tf2 makes for some interesting combos you can have. Also, they

They are a business, and they released a product for full price. Tacking on a microtransaction system while still charging full price for their game is a little greedy imo.

Tf2 more than battlefield. Tf2 did the random automatic sayings talking about what was going on in the battlefield, automatically chatting to other characters in context, mentioning things like sentries, etc. It promoted teamwork and objective based play. All that almost 10 years ago and still going strong and even

This review reads as if the writer never actually played Team Fortress 2, or any team based shooter really.

Were they hotswapping on the downstroke?

I am against censorship but I support censorship of views contrary to mine. ROFL

I wanna explore Uranus

Blog writer for a clickbait site didn’t make the list?

Let the Norwegianscheck it out first

Now make them move at 60fps

Good art looks good, film at 11

“Although today he’s best known for sharing conservative and often bigotedmemes on social media

Exactly. In order to get a Western live action version of an an anime actually made, they first have to convince some people with lots of money who aren’t familiar with it to pony up their dough on a risk. If you want to make a culturally accurate version, feel free to get a kickstarter going. In the words of Leon,

Doesn’t look like a Japanese woman all that much either

I thought it was common knowledge that kevlar is not for protection from pointed weapons.

Seriously, if it takes more than 5 minutes, just get a job or beg on the street to get enough to buy a simple cheese grater. At some point you have to ask what the purpose of a time consuming hack to replace a low cost device really is.

All this and not a single mention of Frazetta?

She’s great, this sounds boring

The Division blows Destiny