Kaneda Jones

looks like you lose the back seats to torture your friends with when they beg for a lift, and then you pay much extra for the privilege of privacy and a breeze through your hair? hmm. dunno if its worth it. XD

in his case he had a stroke, with who knows what effect. the rest have no such excuse. (a certain amount of rebellion is in response to established systems failing everyone so we all look for alternatives these days)

when you are dealing with someone you don’t know their gender you in the habit of writing “he or her” all the time or just say “they did..” or “they are..”?

has telling a large batch of people ‘just stop it’ ever get results? XD

meanwhile though, it sounds better when you don’t know who the person is like “I heard someone one in my back yard.. what are they doing? I can’t believe it! they stole my bike!” etc. I mean, people been sayin it that way for a gazillion years without a prob.

a story on AVClub says its safe but I do not know if that pre dates the news you got.

oh ok so it IS that ‘Head of the Class’ dude? funny that they found no evidence of sex miconduct in his career. he really really likes kid’s feet. maybe thats one of the types of massages that he was surprising people with. ick.

Plus, isn’t Denuvo (or other similar DRM systems) usually quickly cracked in pirated releases anyway?”

not at the begining of Denuvo’s existence.  pirates were actually quite frustrated with them until FINALLY someone figureed that shit out and they’ve been loosing ever since.  but who knows with whatever they write

the fact that it checks should mean a delay at least once. it may or may not even matter to load times especially repeated load times.

now now.. that knife whip thingie was Austrailian Rick voice. aaaand I just realized he prob made that choice cause of Crocodile Dundee. FFS

I hate how companies use excessive computer renders and call it anime when I’m used to that meaning hand drawn. BUT at least by what they stuck in the trailer it looks like the character style works great while rendered and they put the effort into making it work.  I see another comment mention some scenes in the

“Is it a first-person shooter? Third-person action-adventure? Some sorta narrative puzzler?”

yes. (in all likely hood based on the way he described his ambitions)

EDIT: watched the teaser trailer and it had 3rd person camera for people shooting guns I know that doesn’t confirm things but it IS suggestive don’t you think?

Dean Learner also had a bit on Darkplace and I can’t remember if the character always had the moustache or just on the TV show. I do know the hair is consistent between appearances.   EDIT: ok I say that and then suddenly realize he’s at a DVD signing so ya guess its “natural” LOL

you two act like a company selling something to Bezos would not do whatever their customer asked of them. if he said ‘you are making me look bad, sign a contract with the other shipyard for temporary usage and you’ll be eating the costs’ they’s say ‘yes sir anything else’.

the idea Bezos was both out of the loop on

does having plate on your front matter when your belly has more depth than the width of your chest? I mean just flank him and he’s a pinata

excuse me can you point to where the metal pineapples are?”

spend some time wearing plaid flannel shirts and pajamas etc while chilling like you vacationing at a cottage? although not exclusively white it seems to be big with whites with enough money to not be scared shitless in today’s economy.

and do it just in case someone legit hasn’t heard the hub bub and their preferred pronouns. I know its unlikely but doesn’t hurt to cover the bases and just cause some will use it to villiefy the use of they/them in general we can’t live our lives doing special things to dodge people like that. it doesn’t work.

ugh Star Wars Star Trek and a few other comic books based on movie franchises do nothing but trace photos of the actors as well.  sooooo cheesy I don’t understand how they sell ANY of it.

I forget the name of the comic book artist who did it but there was someone in the business who used photos of porn poses and traced over them for a large amount of their work, with the rest of it not on model with the porno inspired art. seemed pretty obvious but it took a lot of complaints before the company pretende

that is totally plausable and even likely but who dropped out of making hardware lately? it was a sparse market to begin with and I didn’t notice any quitters (I don’t assume their wasn’t any though).