heres some more views of it. they continuously bring up their new E-Transit platform so who knows, maybe a soon to be released ford van can be hack and slashed into what we see here.
heres some more views of it. they continuously bring up their new E-Transit platform so who knows, maybe a soon to be released ford van can be hack and slashed into what we see here.
a very obvious thing but still mind breaking when you think about is how every single bit of the world in a game must be made with math and code. people get so used to a well made game engine and then compare it to real life, expecting things just to happen. but just imagine if in the real world someone forgot to…
oh ok. now I know what a hot-hatch would be called if they added an extra set of doors on it.
A Station wagon.
personally I think without a fancy back door or a longer bed in the back, this shouldn’t be called a wagon.
“Butt-Head’s constant abusive behavior towards Beavis gets mildly interrogated, but in the end, Beavis’ libido and pyromania will always draw him back to his biggest enabler.”
ya this just reminded me that the few times you’ve gotten serial killer duos its been this dynamic.
THANK GAWD they didn’t use and (obvious) computer editing to add exaggerated smiles on people’s faces. faces distorted with the easiest of filters has lost all scare factor ages ago and theres a more unsettling feeling from a real human doing an unnatural thing.
(some times you have to praise someone for not doing a…
wow I went to compare this to Lucas the Spider, who had nice shorts based solely on the Spider, but when I went to find a clip to post I found the official YT page is a kids show later built around the idea, that has way too many characters and has lost all its charm. bleck. its a shame when clever media gets replaced…
fans of the genre do not require nuance
the wording suggests that the camp is choosing some of the kids to train as killers, as does the title.
meanwhile another take on things is “The Grounding of Group 6" where the rich just use a boarding school as a place to eliminate their kids they consider failures.
no the thing “keeping you captive” to work is the soul crushing need to eat food and pay for housing. its not like the VR rig is glued to your head.
never trust a study with fewer than 100 people. even then its iffy.
not offensive to most but enough that a company should just avoid it. and don’t act like there isn’t companies smart enough to do that cause most are.
except they did name a toolset Bonobo. theres evidence it existed before this mishap. someone should point out the HR that the main reason anyone remembers Bonobos is that they fuck a heck of a lot. it is a ridiculous name for software and even if their story is true it has come back to bite them on the ass anyways.
“In keeping with the game’s street art motif, silhouettes of vibrant paints explode behind fighters when they get knocked silly.”
misread that at first as Vibrant pants. the thought of your pants exploding had me laugh for a sec.
if your description/prediction is accurate it sounds fine. with what he said in the video, he technically described Cyberpunk2077 (open world RPG etc only CP is missing multiplayer). hopefully his impressions are off and yours are more like it.
but thats just it.. bosses be pushing this kinda shit. I hold upper management responsible for taking people who should be typing and telling them videos are mandatory.
someone mocking you for not being “with it” makes clueless assumptions about your followup post. that sounds about right lol
sarcasm and satire died more than a decade ago.
when Covid hit I used BotW as a camping simulator. I loved my time in there but even so, I know everything you say is 100% spot on. it felt bland and empty in many ways.
when I saw the Sonic Frontiers footage I thought this is as if BotW was the base game but then filled up with more stuff - like more items not better…
mai gawd had promptly forgotten there was a Need For Speed movie until you brought it up. XD