Kaneda Jones

just a whore for graphics huh.. well if your name reps a game company we then know it will produce pretty but useless drivel, and if its the name of a reviewer, we know you review the most sparkly games regardless of quality.  a lot of stuff out there looks like shit and are very popular so ya looks are not the end

well.. the good news is most of North America has moved on from incarceration for the mentally disturbed by pretending that their desire to cut costs was an attempt at compassion for those who were ill. like always, if you point out a system is bad (and it was, previously) they then delete it instead of make it better.

free speech also gives us the right to complain about it. a single offended individual isn’t going around firing people or anything.  a group sound their voices and then a company decides if that group is small enough or large enough that it should react to them.  there is no censorship there is voting at the speed of

thnx didn’t know that was a current feature around these parts.  thats good to know around the greys when they suddenly escape

lol you would be so insanely jealous if you knew what I do for a living.”

and he then goes on to say, “but shhhhhh! its a secret! I also have a girlfriend who lives in Canada”  XD

you should watch the clip before you comment!”

shooting at people egging them = acting silly?

“You can find situations like this all over the world with 80mph and higher trains travelling through densely populated non-grade separated towns and cities, and people manage to avoid being hit by the trains.”

name one.

like, what was she expecting? people to bring up her white privilege while discussing how amazing her opinions are?  man is she stupid.

yea but if someone said that I could also wear plastic bags on my feet for immediate benefits although I could also just wear shoes, I would not want to suggest people consider the plastic bags as viable.

I do not believe what I said I was using one of the most often used defenses of NFT and also one of the few logical pathways to finding them useful even if that pathway is not actually correct, at least its follows some logical path.

so OK you explain what I said is total crap. then the line of code that the image is

went to give you a star then read..

Regarding NFTs, there is definitely immediate benefits with small merchants no longer need to manage their own database, once released, it’s out there. The point is that the benefits can also be done without the usage of NFTs.”

no there isnt any benefit to them that doesnt already

oh not even the crime.  FBI and international busts of criminals based on their Cryptocurrencies continue to prove that.

things that happened for hundreds of years before NFTs existed and will continue to do so after NFT dissapears.

give example of item that makes royalty fees or taxes impossible that the NFT is replacing.

many many times when users have made outrageous decisions with their NFTs/Cryptocurrencies/whatevehs - the official deciding body of that form of blockchain has gone back and made ledger changes to fix things.

this negates even the tiniest “we’ve delegated authority to the people” benefits. many DAOs have also been

all those are covered “in the goes up” NFT video.  pleeeeeeeeeeease make sure to watch the whole thing and with an open mind

“By contrast, blockchains are quite specifically setup for speculative profit. They all use a cost-based mechanism to determine a “winner” and reward that winner with the blockchain’s currency.”

while reading into Shipping industry’s use of blockchain to repute what blockchain defenders have said, I did notice that a

“Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN), the ‘Chinese blockchain’ for shipping, is testing its cargo-release systems..

GSBN is Hong Kong’s answer to Maersk and IBM’s TradeLens. The aim is cutting down on paperwork, speeding up processes and increasing the security of containers that have proven easy to steal,

I wish people would stop parroting that “it does nothing to stop other people copying the content” line. That’s not the point. That’s like saying, “cars keep people from flying.”

“yeah but NFTs are not just for games and pictures. I agree NFTS as they stand now are incredibly dumb and stupid and worthless. But what NFT’s can lead to in the future is the interesting part”

NFTs are leading to.. what is it leading us to? tell me I want to hear the interesting part.