Kaneda Jones

theres been art flicks and even artsy TV shows that are just a bunch of scenes that “happen.”

but to add conflict it would prob have the assassin contemplating whether he should change his job, or whether he is a good person or not. internal conflict while killing is the bland part of the film.

I always thought a new movie based on “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep” would be very interesting if it kept the religious TV show that they watch with the person pushing the rock up the hill. considering the story has such a different title very few people are gonna go into it expecting Blade Runner. if I

for those worried about links not embeding take comfort in the fact that in many browsers if you highlight the text that would otherwise be a link you can then right click on it and click open in new tab. I know it not showing a preview is disapointing but ce’st la morte

‘Japan has that much neon? lol It’s a mystery why everyone [in Kate] can speak English. But, I did watch it all the way to the end!’ 3/5

well then by that right the baby can’t defend itself I get the right to kill it.  XD

no, no, Bruce Masters is right. the video game industry is SO fucking woke!! so much so, that the entire Activision Blizzard scandal is a work of fiction or some such.

ffs.. Bruce its called public standards stop being stupid

A better way is to just take “choice” out of it. A bit of juggling in the public school system and at risk girls in high school could be protected from being pressured into sex at least during school hours.”

what the fuck are you even talking about.

been to many at school orgies or just fantasies you think of often


reason why people say “read the room” and if its fucking horrible that companies can do things to try and match their policies to the general public’s opinion on an issue then blame capitalism.

amen brother say it again louder for those in the back

words change over time I get that but anxiety may be a state of mind (a complex one at that) but its not an emotion. fear is an emotion but I guess people think of fear only at it’s most extreme and think they need new words for subtle constant worry.  meh

thanks for the reading list (not sarcasm). I consider kinja articles more as suggestions of ideas than a deep dive though. at what they get paid I don’t expect them to work much

for the first time in a while bought some cans of pop and I do not know whos bright idea it was to make flimsy cardboard handles for liquid containers. oh mai gawd. and like the cardboard gets thinner every few years too XD

this was totally true for the longest of time but the lemon market has crept into any and all markets. prestige brands and brands thought of as durable now sell the crappiest made items that fall apart so quick. they know they have you over a barrel.  people still buy for the brand recognition and accept the fact

I brought those topics up in a another post. what I find interesting is that I went to google to find any studies or articles to back up that stance and all I found was a ton of articles with weasel words of ‘bouying in bulk “tends” to be cheaper per unit.. or the words “usualy” etc etc.

meanwhile I have been seeing

a side tangent would be that some of the posts earlier brought up the lax security and under staffing at these stores.

I thought Yale was spelt with three 6s

and this is why people invented something called multitasking.

ban credit entirely
legislate an increase in wages
no cost healthcare

groceries are now selling bulk items at higher per unit prices for intelligent fellows like you anyway so no we aren’t calling low income people low intelligence we are calling all people low intelligence when it comes to going shopping

more expensive per unit for the same items, and while being the only store in the area it means they are happily gouging the customers.

thats what people here are complaining about.

the local grocery store has, and I am not making this up I swear, gone through waves of making sure the bulk packages cost more per unit than buying the smaller units and unfortunately taking all that extra packaging that comes with.

up here in Canada, or the province of Ontario at least, there are rules that the