
Oh no. Ooooh no. You’re gonna get permabanned (permanent gray). Remembered this isn’t a real comments section, it’s Jez Kinja, where they decide who is seen and not seen. And you just contradicted their groupthink!

Yes. Yes, yes, YES! I have been saying this since forever. She couldn’t run for president if she hadn’t been Secretary of State, she couldn’t have been Secretary of State if she hadn’t been a senator from New York and thus gotten the national platform to run in 2008, and she wouldn’t have been a senator from New York

That’s absurd! That’s like saying Donald Trump being born to a successful real estate tycoon, had anything to do with him becoming a successful real estate tycoon. Honestly...

I actually see her relationship with Bill as a negative. His economic policy and so called “wellfare reform” were blatantly racist and disastrous. He deregulated the banks, and we all know how that ended. I’d honestly support her more if she promised to relegate him to the role that has been stereotypically given to

I know of very few people who won’t admit that. (No, anonymous Gawker commenters don’t count.) In fact, before Jeb washed out and everyone thought he had an excellent chance at being the Rep nominee all I heard was how sad it was the election was going to be against two political dynasties which implicitly assumes

I agree with you, it’s highly unlikely that Hillary would have become the first female presidential nominee had it not been for her choice of life partner. However, the opposite is absolutely true. Bill would never have become president without Hillary. The people we choose to be apart of our daily lives and decisions

True but politics is all about contacts and perception for all the candidates.

Russia’s only mistake was not signing a deal with Nike.

How can you type with your old Livestrong bracelet cutting circulation off to your hand?

Sure. If we can also agree that George W. Bush would have never been, well, anything without his father’s influence and name recognition. Not to mention Prescott Bush’s money. And the same goes for Jeb Bush. Or Mitt Romney and George Romney? And Bobby and Teddy Kennedy? John and John Quincy Adams?

Not a single swimmer or a single track & field athlete who wins a medal in Rio will have done so without having doped in some way. It is physically impossible.

I agree. And it seems like you agree with the OP, so I’m not sure why you’re attacking his statement.

I think it’s fairly obvious. She has the charisma of a ham sandwich, and most people don’t trust her. Of course you’ll get everyone piling on you for expressing that here but I would like to ask those people this. If Hillary never married Bill would you still vote for her on her merits or rather would it be more

“it’s ridiculous to say she never would have become a senator or Sec. of state if she wasn’t a former first lady.”

You know what? I survived SERIOUS, life-threatening domestic violence for years at the hands of my now ex-wife. (I’m a lesbian) And yet, somehow, I manage to never derail conversations about dangerous men (who appear to be very likely engaging in domestic abuse) with “women can be bad guys too!” I know that better

I actually think that’s fair. She did gain the political currency and recognition. I suspect she would have risen in any field, but taken at face value, your statement holds.

When credit is given to Michelle Obama for her support of Barack it is acceptable, but when credit is given to Bill for his support of Hillary it is somehow wrong?

It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.

The russians will not stand for this

IPC officials became suspicious when they saw a Russian athlete had a big leg up in the wheelchair race.