
You guys, Alfred (“Al”) Rava is my neighbor and is a fucking terrorist on Nextdoor. His favorite online pastimes are threatening to sue others who say a bad word against him, ACTUALLY’ing people, and responding to ads to clarify the terms of their policies. He is a nightmare human being.


wb. Long live Fusion. <3 <3 <3
Performative fragile feminism-in-catchy-name-only is no fun when it’s just focused on clickworthy headlines (ahem that other kinja place you used to be). I’m glad some real work is

Don’t you think you were a little harsh on him?

I’ve been using 3 LG ultra wide (UW) monitors for a little over 2 years now, and I don’t think I could ever go back to a standard/wide sized monitor again.

I drive a Prius :(

OKAY SO I texted my mom who is a doctor about this issue.

They need to ruin someone's lives since gay marriage is now legal. Trans people were the next big target.

Pretty much. Most cars also have rear crumple zones too though, but as someone else pointed out, the Volvo was designed with a third row of seats. Since crumple zones function by sacrificing the unoccupied spaces in a car to protect the occupants, it would stand to reason they wouldn’t build one into a place where

I was about to complain about how fucking ass-backwards ugly this looked, then I looked it up and found out that using spaces to demarcate thousands is actually the international standard, and only the USA and a few other countries use commas.

IIRC the Dreyfus brothers (Hubert and Stuart) focused a lot of their arguments (in the late 70s particularly) about AI on how some humans had high competence at certain tasks that they could not actually explicate. (One famous example was “chicken sexing”, i.e. determining from a quick glance whether a young chicken

Before all these cameras in public, the police never misbehaved. The cameras incite them to act aggressively and should be banned.

Well this is 9 kinds of shady. Still, it would have been hilarious if they had made it to Portland.

It’s a complicated issue, not one that’s quite so clear cut as it might seem. I’m more familiar with the Elgin marbles, but it’s basically the same thing here. First, the artifacts were technically legally acquired, as the Egyptian government gave permission. Of course it is important to note though that at the time

No matter what people demand or tell you to do, you are not a piece of meat. You’re not some “thing” to be had.

Well, it looks amazing. Do you have a PC release date?

This is it. This is where we begin and end. The experience of this game will be observed by relatives and friends of the victims as an odd, disquieting disease, where their loved ones are perpetually frozen in place - yet they will be constantly plagued with new memories of experiences shared and future plans made, as

sorry you seem to have made a typo. you wrote “too bad” when you meant to type “thank god”

I definitely needed to read this today, as I’m about to ask for a raise. I’ve had odd luck the last few years with the other party making it much easier- my internet provider called and asked if I wanted to quadruple my speed for $2.50 a week more. When I started my dream job, I asked for twice my current salary

To quote the great Stephen Colbert, “reality has a well known liberal bias.”