
As a dedicated table-top RPG gamer I had the pleasure of gaming with Dave Arneson a few times. Truly an inspirational and creative man, though he bore a huge chip on his shoulder regarding the whole D&D thing and voiced it every chance he got. I think D&D was the result of both Gygax and Arneson, and likely would have

You, Noiryn, are awesome. This is the first time someone I have seen someone openly share a stance identical to my own. You are not alone in your views.

I have worked with plenty of female developers in my time at various studios (some AAA, some not), though very few were programmers. Most tend to be artists, with a few designers here and there. They are certainly underrepresented.

Morrowind. With new mods it just never gets old, and had by far the best gameplay in the Elder Scrolls series. Will also play DragonRealms because, well, you cannot not play it once hooked.

Minutemen, no contest.

Institute: I have no problem with their treatment of synths, but killing off innocent humans and replacing them with synths for espionage/sabotage purposes makes them horribly evil, regardless of what their end goals are.

Railroad: Terrorists with idealistic though naive views of equality.