
super funny side note: Nissan's primary testing facility is 20 minutes south of Phoenix where I know they did testing on the Leaf.

as a former AAMCO service manager, you are incorrect. a drain/fill is what we recommend for a regular service inverval. a flush is only used in an extreme situation where we:

so what? i have a az240 sticker on my BMW. the whole gawker collective has really been sucking dick lately. posts like this are garbage.

go to a different dealer. they are retarded if they can't figure out how to re-pair the TPMS sensors.

If you would have done any spec of research, you could have figured out that nomad male lions hunt as they don't belong to a pack. If you look at the content of the commercial there is only 1 lion. It is safe to assume this is a nomad male as females tend to hunt in packs.

grow up. don't fuck with another mans car no matter how innocent it seems.

I doubt it, more like someone stashed the weapon and it accidentally got donated.

EARTHQUAKE, not hurricane in japan. sorry.

dont use japan they are an anomaly. look what happened during the hurricane and subsequent tsunami. people were calm, orderly, and apologetic. In the United States (where this debate is taking place) when there is a blackout there is looting and worse. Need I remind anyone about Katrina? In our world, protection with

how about you talk about the hundreds of inner city kids killed at school by guns this year so far?

because the morons of the world see a black rifle with a pistol grip and think its a killing machine.

its nearly impossible for a citizen to own a fully automatic weapon, and there have been absolutely 0 shootings by citizens using full automatic weapons in the USA. go look it up.

so target shooting isn't sporting? clearly you have no concept of what sport shooting is.

they aren't mementos. people like freedom and when unformed idiots like our friend Mr. Diaz here go spouting off at the mouth about how any semi-automatic rifle is a killing machine, intelligent people who know better, do not want their freedoms imposed on and guns taken away.

There is so much wrong with this entire post it isn't even worth dissecting.


maybe if they stopped dicking around with a beer fridge and spent more time on the products they create, their cars wouldn't spontaneously combust.