Thank you
Thank you
Microsoft stated they will have games running 4K native as much as I don’t want to believe it. Only way I see it is if they sell the console at a huge loss or it will cost 1k or more, not a Microsoft fanboy, don’t plan on eating a Scorpio either I’m fine with my vcr
Ha, keep thinking I’m angry loser. Ear to ear over here. Glad you enjoy writing 10 page essays in defense. Christopher Newport? Wtf is that, I hope you’re not trying to impress anyone here.
Nintendo made an announcement stating that they will have a 3ds successor
Wrong, if you were to write an article it would be grammatically correct. If you are directing a statement towards someone, there is only one implication you fucking twit. Considering you’re still a child with the IQ of an ape you wouldn’t understand, but you went to community college so you know some things and your…
I’m not concerned with my child. Not sure why you’re convinced I am you fucking millennial. You have zero thought process and the only thing going for you are shitty insults online. Fuck off.
That’s awesome, although we differ, everyone deserves happiness, enjoy your Sunday!
I respect your lifestyle but sorry that’s not me. I pray you or your husband don’t contract an std, I say that earnestly not in a mocking manner. I know swingers that have stds now. Just because it makes you happy doesn’t make it right though, positive swingers are a small percentage out there.
Not bitter, not angry, in just not a cheating whore. I’m what you would call faithful. Kids have sex and do heroine now. It was cool to kiss a girl and have a beer when I was a kid, just a different world we live in. A much shittier world where kids can’t be kids.
Yeah and so is being unfaithful. There is a difference between talking and flirting. You sound like an awful person, I feel bad for your husband.
If that makes you happy, so be it.
You thought wrong
I honestly just want Resident Evil in VR and hope I don’t get nauseous lol
What exactly was validated you twit. Learn to read.
Spell what out, your comment had no reference to people being pieces of shit, wtf are you even talking about? Your comment confirms people are flirty while waiting for coffee just stop making shit up. Take a look in a mirror yourself first, must be hard living with yourself when you have to make shit up to justify…
Yeah I guess it’s just preference, I have the PS VR which is graphically the worst of the major VR headsets and the lower resolution doesn’t bother me. I generally play games for their story anyways but you do make a valid point.
Just a bit of warning, if you knew how to please your wife/girlfriend they would have no reason to be flirty. Sounds like you’re in a bad place. Go take some sick pills, I heard that works while loitering in a Starbucks.
Confirm that some people are pieces of shit? Congratulations lets generalize just because.
Does it really matter though? Buy it when it goes on sale or has a limited edition console you like, and play it for the only things it’s good for, their 1st party games. If you want graphics, Scorpio is where it’s at, it will be priced around $600/700 (not saying names, it will mark my words) but considering if you…