Making alternative/new sets is in no way/shape/form illegal. Unless you're selling them. But making sets like this is usually not cost-effective.
Making alternative/new sets is in no way/shape/form illegal. Unless you're selling them. But making sets like this is usually not cost-effective.
My sister & I are both BRCA1 carriers. She got tested because of family history (grandparents & mom all died of cancer), and ended up beating both breast & ovarian cancer before turning 30 because she was prepared for it. I've been lucky, so far.
@Ethereal87: If they made their meat from unicorns/Loch Ness, I totally would eat there.
Monster is a relic, from a time when you either used stock/thin generic cables, or had good cables. When they were the only other choice, it was good stuff.
If you can technically say a computer is a phone (i.e. Skype), would that allow a warrantless search as well?
@QLAB: A stay there is like $600 for 3-4 nights. Plus air, but still.
So then, she's basically a nega-Paul the World Cup Octopus?
@brixish: There's two - the soundtrack & the score.
Ironically, my dad has one of these that I've been trying to steal for about 5 years now.
I'm sure the commercial about the creepy male stalker who annoys the shit out of his "social network" didn't help the brand.
That World Cup is strong. I wish there was a comparable EPL one.
You know, George Carlin had a poster for sale at his shows that had all of these (and more) for your ease of use.