
And theres the way he treated Martha throught the whole thing, he was such a dick to her. Honestly he was dick towards throughout her time as companion. She definitely got the shortend.

indeed and lets not forget how he treated Martha. She really got the short end of the stick he used emotionally and treated like crap while putting the weight and fate of the world on her shoulders at least twice.

Didn't the Observer say that she is Peter's Olivia? I'm thinking this is just like Angel. Olivia is Conner and Peter is Angel.

I dont know. Last I heard the Hulk has no upper limit.

I think every intelligence agencies computer just locked on to your comment. Keep your eyes open for black SUV's/helicopters and people talking into their wrist.


I love Kristen Bell not only is she beautiful she actually has a great personality.

I'ma fan of the Original Macross which is almost exactly the same as the same as the Macross saga in Robotech I'm not a fan of the stuff that came after always felt derivative and a repeat of the same themes with little growth. They won me back with Zero and Frontier. I think if Harmony Gold and the owners of Macross

I loved BSG and I am excited for this. BSG, and now this, always makes me think this is exactly how a Robotech live action series should be done. I wish Moore could make that happen.

Wheen you put it that way I agree. He looked like an overseer on a plantation...oh how the tables have turned. I bet Lori is going to ask T-Dog about how to get around in a prison....man I hate her

But that means in the end you can survive the apocalypse but no one survives the whiteman

to me that screams governments will pay the cost so they can use it making it cheaper for the rest of us.

That always bothered me in Star Trek especially ST:TNG. If they would just listen to Worf!

I've been wondering outside of maybe a financial institution what use is the credit report?

I think a better comparison may be the whole credit report thing. Outside of a job at a financial institution I dont see how credit report helps them I'm sure they can make up an excuse though.

or ask for their server login and password.

Thankyou. I wish I could promote you.

While that is true I believe that shot was of modern times. If you look in the background the skyline looks really developed. but I could be wrong.

The next evolution in this design.