
Profit always wins.

I like to think he doesn't need to follow proper form. All the form is so average people can train to be a tenth as good as he is naturally. He doesn't need all that because his freestyle fits him perfectly. All the martial arts masters told Bruce Lee he was doing it wrong.

I like to think he doesn't need to. All the form is so average people can train to be a tenth as good as he is naturally. He doesn't need all that because his freestyle fits him perfectly. All the martial arts masters told Bruce Lee he was doing it wrong.

this is exactly what i thought when I saw the tittle.


You hit the nail right on the head. After Joel Johnson's tirade of abuse against commenters and Gizmodo, and by extension, Gawkers lack of apology for his antics made me loose respect for this site and its parent company. The editors set the tone. There will always be trolls and fools but they are easier to spot when

yeah it would take reboot with a small budget or a director with clout and guts to give him a chance or a Logan tv series or a huge internet campaign.

The way I have always known Wolverine is as Sabertooth puts it "runt" so his heart for the battle no matter who the person is was always even more cool cause he was smaller then most of hi opponents. Though true his height fluctuates it has only really started fluctuating to this tall extreme due to the x-men movie

He is in Leverage and he was in Angel.

Actually I believe he was suppose to be him but there was scheduling conflict but I could be wrong. Now he has passed his Wolverine prime so I vote Christine Kane as the new Wolverine.

I like the idea of Christine Kane he has all the traits height voice demeanor build.

how about Christian Kane. He has the height build demeanor and size.

Nay. Sorry but one of his best traits was his lack of fear and scrappiness and a lot of that is based on his height. Its actually one of the things between he and sabertooth I come from the old school wolverine. I could never buy Jackman as Wolverine. Though an extremely small actor is a little much i say go in

Yeah I can definitely see that. If I were going to reboot Wolverine I would cast Christian Kane for the part.

Jackmans height is the primary reason I could never take him seriously as Wolverine. Wolverine's height is a part of the character.

I wish the rarings sytem they use would get tosswd. The nielsns dont speak for the rest of us.

yeah american tv is to soft i say with equality comes the equal opportunity to get the good smackdown all over yuh bad guy head even if its a gal.

I'm going to have to go on ahead and agree with you one this.

I would respond to your first paragraph but it might be spoilers since I saw next weeks episode but I totally agree about the gold I was wondering why no one thought of that during shooting that stuff is heavy.