Blast silly rules getting in the way of awesome!
Blast silly rules getting in the way of awesome!
This is Gizmodo when did facts and logic ever apply.
like that idea. Matts Doctor is child like and Cumberbatch (love that name) would be the complete opposite.
LMAO! BRILLIANT! I'd watch that.
hmm baby Romulans mayhaps?
EXACTLY!!! It still is the best Star Wars show/movie ever made.
Michio Kaku has some thoughts on it.
Thats the plan.
America will have Surrogates and Terminators its Japan that will have Gundams and Cyber Bodies
It will go down that way only if it is being broadcast on cspan cause ina closed door meeting they will say its cheaper to train a new soldier to replace the dead one
Yeah looks way to natural. natural=unsterilized=ew
Doesnt make them yet. Mayhaps this was an awesome ad.
If you look in the background I believe those are modern buildings guessing that was a shot of our time.
This sounds interesting and could work. for the different Martial Arts they can have a great variety. They can have:
Yeah they can have a Samurai (Ken Watanabe), Shaolin Monk or Kung Fu hero (Donnie Yen), Traditional Muay Thai fighter (Tony Jaa), Afro-Martial Arts [Capoeira/N'golo/calinda/ladja/etc.] Fighter (Lateef Crowder), Native American Warrior (?), Russian Cossack Warrior (Dolph Lundgren), Varma Kalai Fighter (?) or Destreza…
If i were rich I would fund this.