
I commend you on you knowledge of this time honored procedure.


Yeah I was expecting the same thing. Would of been better if the tittle was accurate like "What weapons have been developed to be used in a real life space war"


I agree with your assessment.

It truly is.

Death Star!? Bitch please!

You yuh got a point. I suspect the real issue is not being able to dual boot.

No one believed him. They figured he was a nice guy with an over active imagination hi stories were so outlandish they couldnt be true.

You're a poet I tell yuh! A Poet!

Because the Execs dont take the show seriously.

That is exactly what i was thinking. Hell if they want to hold on to the rights to Akira but still keep it 'merikan then have it based on the US trying to recreate the Akira project even though they know what happened with Tatsuo and Neo-Tokyo but of course they think they can do better.

Yeah I was actually thinking the sane thing especially the part when he pushed away all the cops.

Hey yuh never know. They did make Bill & Ted.

Language is constantly adapting and changing. The way we speak now is different then the way folks spoke in the past it cant be helped, and shouldnt.

I too have literally scored off the scale but have no idea where that means i reside. People find it strange as well when I tell them this because I dont seem that way but honestly I have just learned to fake it to make it.

Though I think all this is very possible I'm betting in the grand scheme your fears may be realized on an overall view of the trilogy but much like the Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Knight will always stand out and be celebrated as the trilogies highest moment. With Ledgers performance as the Joker, and the scope and

Did you see that clocking technique I want him on my nerf wars team.

whats that supposed to mean?

yeah it would be great to get clever spider-man rather then Raimi's mopey whiny spider-man.