
I'm guessing they look normal by choice but when they are on the hunt or killing they go full wolf. I'm guessing they stay human more often because of the Grimms and the fact that humans rule now and are to powerful and organized not like how it used to be when ever one was in small towns and villages. Or maybe i give

No not at all cause that would mean there is something wrong with me and we cant have that.

I'm guessing the reason they didnt choose this awesome and far better idea is because they thought kids would be scared and parents would get upset and its not as toy friendly like the other one which fit in the aisle right next to power rangers.

I'm guessing the reason they didnt choose this is because they thought kids would be scared and parents would get upset and its not as toy friendly like the other one which fit in the aisle right next to power rangers.

Haha now that you mention it yeah kinda does.

I think I can answer some of your questions.

I blame this sparkly motherfucker and that pasty faced bitch.

I completely agree with you on both accounts. Ben will become the new Burned Man constantly trying to get back in the house to be with his family. And Constance is just that constant she doesnt age she has looked the same since 1984.

It says Marvel and Columbia on the website. Is Columbia owned by Sony?

haha sounds about right.

It boggles my mind that people still think markets and groups can regulate themselves. It aint gonna happen. On the other end of the spectrum government cant and shouldnt regulate everything cause that also leads to suppression. Regulate the big stuff such as suppression of a persons rights and dont sweat the small

Looks like light had a lot of fun and forgot to clean up after itself.

Though I love the GT-R if i had to go with pure track car my choice would definitely be the BAC Mono.


That car is just ridiculously amazing. Simply astonishing. And at that price, Amazing!

and thats what makes it so right ;o)

She was amazing to bad Gaga assassinated her.

Hmmm I think not! By George I think you are on to something.

Yup its about being more efficient worker bees. They may tell us it makes things easier but the digital revolution has taught us otherwise. We become more productive and efficient to become more productive and efficient.

I think china's version is more practical and safer. Maybe not as cool looking but it will feel like a roller coaster. Thats always fun.