

well gotta start somewhere

Thats not Runabout.....This is a Runabout

Thats not a Runabout....This is a Runabout

Yes. Yes we are.

waiting for the day someone makes a real bullet shooting chainsaw flesh rip Lancer.

They would make quite the dynamic trio. It would be interesting to see a group whose skills are all intellectual an deceptively passive.

Well then that explains all the awesomeness

You know its funny I thought of a character like this for Alphas a month ago he even has much of the same background I thought and now poof it exist. I hope they make him as cool as he can potentially be.

If this were on CBS, SyFy or TNT it would survive but on Fox those ratings whores probably wont give it a chance only the Spielberg name can possibly save it.

Thats a perfect explanation I hope thats what they go with

What about the Victorian era lady who became cyber leader she kept her parts intact.

Nesbitt does excellent work but he come off as an arrogant self-important dick head.

Wait your anti-faith "angry atheist" comment has a flaw indeed one can change their gender and race. The concept of race indeed is contrived.

oooh interesting idea

oooh I like that :o)

The Earth looks barren and a flame as if it were bombarded from space.

That was my first thought as well especially since she wanted to speak to Allison alone but I guess that would be to easy and obvious.

But what happens when two Falcon Punches COLLIDE!!!

Same thing I was thinking. Since Time can not be rewritten within its own stream and the Doctors death is a fixed point all involving River then it stands to reason they can never have her in their lives the way they wished they could.