
I think the omnipotent rumors are RTD's fault for making the Doctor essentially into a god and having everybody have this holy hero worship of him it was the thing that annoyed me the most about RTD's run.

Haha so true. I mean how many times has he been in WWII

That works. Hell even in the new Who it seems like folks forget all the crazy stuff that happens on Christmas.

I've been having the same thought. And the dreamlord episodes seems to point to this being a possibility also amy's mind can manipulate the universe then there's the crack in the wall also the fact that the Doctor essentially recreated the universe. Mayhaps its actually a pocket universe.

This is an amazingly great idea. You should message Charlie directly if possible.

LMBAO! That is always an appropriate question.

Everything looks better in post they'll play with it.

Humorous and Enlightening. Bravo! +1

Kind of reminds me of Turducken.

That's not racist, that's a color correction term.

He isnt sure what the other Carter did but his memories are his memories even if they dont jive with the official record.

I have to reiterate the sentiment, Amen Brother. You have hit the nail on the head in everyone of your comments. Its so hard for Africa after being beaten down, ravaged, drained and exploited for centuries. Then there is this divide where on continent is broken in two by folks always saying "Sub-Saharan" Africa. While

I fully agree with you. Indeed I believe many suffer from defacto-racism/elitism and dont realize it. We are taught to automatically think that Africans are not capable of such things. A lot of people seem to forget that most inventions find there roots in backyards, basements and garages. We have become so bound to

I'm definitely curious as well seems like the internals will be out of date by launch since its using a Tegra 1 hopefully their software can make it worth the slight downgrade, in comparison to soon to be released phones. Heres to hoping.

Yeah more then likly which is a shame because it doesnt look that amazing th ergonomics and portability should be sacrificed. I'm a Dell Streak owner and I have no problem with mini-tablet/Large form phones but this design makes it difficult to pocket if its closed size exceeds 15-20mm. I hope they can pull it off

They want to go with a clam shell...ok cool no problem but there is no reason I can think of to have a curved back. they could of mad it super thin by having the battery in one side and the guts in the other there by giving a huge battery and room to spare for memory and external storage.

lol. Atleast withe football there is some devision between top and bottom Supes looks naked .

That's because CBS understands that you make a show profitable by sticking it out and making sure it runs long enough to be syndicated.

Haha didnt she also choke that shes a time traveler from the future?

But really arent they just manifestations of Forge.