
You say you are not accusing her of cheating but that’s exactly what you did!! You essentially crapped all over her victory. WTF!!!

I think the actual murderer was Amanda Knox. The victim was Meredith Kerchner and yes, desrserves to be remembered. She was a victim of a jealous white woman who didn’t have her victim’s beauty, brains, morality or class.

Congrats, Jamaica. I know how hard y’all worked.

Wow, TrumpsTinyHands, you should get in touch with the authorities and let them know all you know. They’re clearly being outsmarted by some kids from a small island who seem so pure, raised in rural parishes, running to school miles away as youngsters, identified by scouts from childhood, eating local organic farm

Did it clean too.

She looked amazing. And that track is FAST!!

damn she hot

Wait until they begin to discover in just a few more years that the monster they unleashed 350 years ago, explicitly to devour black flesh, has been secretly gorging on the lives of white people by the tens of millions too since 1964. And is now statistically ruining even greater overall numbers of their own lives.

Yay! I’m one of the four. I hope I’m one of the four.

The one thing white people fear losing if Black Americans are treated as they get treated:


O00hh, now you done it. A Black man writing that white people are WRONG? Is there a motel nearby where you can hide out?