Kamai - Looming and Inevitable

Nope. I like Uncharted, and I've played all of them, as well as both of the rebooted Tomb Raiders. Tomb Raider blows Uncharted out of the water in basically every way.

You mean this piece of right-wing propaganda portrays the right-wing paramilitary militia killing American citizens as the good guys? I can't imagine!

I don’t have to go looking. The game flirts with the Black Lives Matter issue, then portrays that character as a psychopath. It flirts with the Riker’s Island inhumane prison issue, then portrays the victims as ravenous, bloodthirsty animals. It celebrates the "well-regulated militia" (because that's what The Division

You’re ignoring the bigger point. This is a game that flirts with the Black Lives Matter movement, then portrays that character as a demented, Jokeresque psychopath. It flirts with one of the most inhumane prison population issues in America, then portrays the victims as ravenous animals. It's a game that literally

We are talking about a game where you essentially play one of the Oathkeeper’s wet dreams, right? You’re a member of the well-regulated militia liquidating the less savory (disenfranchised and poor) elements of the populace, but it’s okay because those people are bad. If you don't see how this is jingoistic right-wing

This is a game where you literally play as one of the Oathkeepers come to life. It’s a right-wing, second amendment-loving wet dream come true....the well-regulated (because let's face it, that's what the Division is) militia stepping in to save the day from the unsavory (i.e. poor and disenfranchised) segments of the

Exactly. I can appreciate the mechanics of the game. I just wish they weren't attached to a jingoistic piece of right-wing propaganda.

The Division is a game that assumes convicts and Black Lives Matter protesters would join together like comic book supervillain streetgangs and that only the righteous, right-wing, paramilitary group can save the world, and it is jingoistic and offensive.

I’m saying the entire idea that the convicts and black lives matter advocates would join into ravenous, comic book street gangs in a game that purports be plausible and realistic is offensive on its face, and the idea that the “righteous military” would be justified in cutting them down is right-wing, jingoistic

Mario doesn't purport to be set in a plausible, realistic setting. It also doesn't being up legitimate social issues without handling them with the appropriate seriousness. I really shouldn't have to explain the difference.

You didn’t read my reply, did you? You didn't address a single one of my points. I’ll repeat for you, and try to be more clear. Please take your time reading this time.

Are you proposing that all the people in Rikers are dangerous unhinged animals that would band together into a comic book street gang given the opportunity to escape and wreak havoc? Because if you believe that, you're part of the problem.

Those words, and the “black bodies” Bennett invokes, must surely be no accident. But despite her evocative language, Bennett and her gang have arranged the preceding level as a bizarre, theatrical slaughterhouse that conjures the Joker and his Arkham goons, not Alicia Garza and Black Lives Matter.

No, that's not what I'm saying. But you already knew that.

Because the entire premise is that those people inevitably become dangerous animals when shit hits the fan. I mean read the part about the black woman lamenting the destruction of black lives as she's setting up a deranged funhouse like a goddamn supervillain. The premise itself is stupid and offensive, especially in

Looks good, but having just finished Rise of the Tomb Raider I find it tough to be too impressed.

I mean, if that’s how you want to spend your virtual time, go for it. Doesn’t appeal to me much. I like to be the hero in my games. Or at least have the option to choose to be evil. When I'm mowing down homeless people, and the game keeps telling me I'm the good guy it just breaks the immersion.

They're thinking: "we got what we need from them, now we don't need them any more." To be fair, though, their game had a terrible launch.

Mostly. Depends on who you ask. I prefer the connotations of the word progressive over those attributed to liberal, but most people use them interchangeably.

I've been tempted to pick this game up a few times, but this kind of shit is exactly why I've avoided it to this point. No way I'm spending all that time to put together a level that can just be erased randomly for any reason.