Ah....personally I like prog-rock, but yeah, that's a pretty good analogy.
I'm not sure what that means.
Because who sounds like Led Zeppelin? Not even Led Zeppelin sounds like Led Zeppelin anymore.
Man, fuck off.
Isn't this a little like kicking a country out of the Olympics because they're too athletic?
Sure, but by creating a challenge and calling it The Challenge, you are, by default, challenging people to complete it. No one that I know of enjoys failing a challenge.
the problem with the overall game is that the puzzle rules are not really explained. Examples are given, but they are open to interpretation, and not everyone is going to make the same assumptions Mr. Blow did when he was creating them.
I don’t think your cynicism is warranted. I don’t find The Witness particularly enjoyable, but that’s not Blow’s fault. This game is exactly what it set out to be. It’s a near-perfect example of the form Blow was trying to create.
I suppose so. As I said elsewhere, there's a perfectly good chance that I'm just too dumb to enjoy this game. That's a shame, because I can appreciate what Blow was trying to do, and I can acknowledge that he's mostly succeeded, but while I enjoy the idea of The Witness, I do not enjoy actually playing it at all.
That's fine, I guess, but it doesn't make the game enjoyable, entertaining, or educational. It just makes it tedious and frustrating. If that's what he was going for, then good for him. It's not an experience I want to have, though.
I ran into this exact feeling long before I got anywhere near the end of the game. I think I enjoy the idea of what Blow has created a lot more than I enjoy actually playing it. Most of the time the game just makes me feel dumb even when I'm succeeding.
You’re doing better than me. I made it about 50 or 60 puzzles in and just realized I was frustrating myself more than I was entertaining myself.
Unfortunately the NFL isn't funded by the state.
Not sure where else to put this, so I’ll put it here:
Not sure where else to put this, so I’ll put it here:
I'm not sure if creative geniuses are always crazy or if people just mistake creative craziness for genius.
They all look like extras from a Season 1 episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Hey, when your team has a year like KC had last year, you don’t change anything.