Ka Mai uses a burner 'cause he hates social media

People “seem” to like heroin, but they really just can’t stop.

Do you not understand that gambling addiction is a real thing, or do you really just find it amusing? 

It’s not like rage and overreaction is the thing people like him feed on and rely on to remain relevant!

And RDR2, the subject of this article, does not. 

That’s not how the narrator talks.  

I can’t begin to understand how anyone could take this away from the article. Your employer tweets to the world how shitty your work is, you’re moving on right away? Cause that’s who this article is about.

No, the best—and simultaneously the worst—part of this story is that literally none of it matters.

Because it’s one of the cheapest places in the country to live, and it’s too expensive to move out.  

To be fair, most gods have it coming.

Because many of the lootbox practices they use are predatory and rely on gambling addicts for their revenue.  The gaming landscape would be a lot more enjoyable if they died.

Or, and stay with me here...this is a video game blog that publishes articles about the latest video games.

Tell the government that when you try to pay your taxes in anything but USD.

Or they said “apparently we can’t get away with half-assing things on the cheap, so don’t bother.”

Perhaps I should have been clearer and said “it shouldn’t be a political matter in a society that has ostensibly based its governmental framework on an ideal of personal liberty.”

I’ll take the people failing to accomplish what I want over the people succeeding in accomplishing what I despise.  

Conservatives would have you believe that negotiation between the workers and ownership is anti-capitalist, but that’s actually a load of horse shit.  

why? because I wanted to TRY and keep focus on, what I beleive to be, the typical whining that is endemic with THIS generation who seem to beleive that their employer go in lockstep with their POLITICAL beleifs.

I really liked the combat.  If I’m looking for any particular improvements it would be more narrative side quests and samurai duels, fewer fox shrines and tedious climbing.  

No, I accused you of stupidity because you are unable to support your opinion without resorting to arbitrarily restricting the discussion to a scale and context that supports it, and deliberately ignoring the larger political context and nuance that surrounds the issue at hand. Then you scapegoat your own ignorance

Thank you for pushing your lack of understanding off on some mythological Millennial strawman you can look down your nose at and use as an “I don’t have time for this” escape hatch when the conversation inevitably goes over your head.