Ka Mai uses a burner 'cause he hates social media

As someone who hit a hard difficulty wall that stopped me dead, I’d have preferred the slider.  

Release dates aren’t announced publicly for you.  They’re announced for shareholders.

Didn’t we all just sort of accept years ago that pretty much no AAA video game ever hits its initial release date, and that 2-3 delays isn’t just common, it’s pretty much the norm?

Forcing trillions of lifeforms to integrate with one another in ways that fundamentally alter the nature of life itself without their consent seems awfully dominant to me.

All we wanted after DA:O was to continue our Warden, but they refuse and keep giving out substandard stand-ins...

Counterpoint: every example of “synthesis” the games provide is an abomination. From the first appearance of husks on Eden Prime to Saren’s “upgrades” to the mad scientist who turned his autistic brother into a computer, the game consistently sends the message that merging organics and synthetics is morally wrong.

I write all of this simply to say: whoever leaked the footage of Jesse Williams’ package: thank you.

Whoever posted this footage belongs in jail.  

When you work for corporate clients, you pretty quickly get used to delivering exactly what the customer orders even when you know from the very start that it’s going to be a colossal failure, because they wouldn’t listen if you told them. That’s just business.

I’m pretty sure no one wants to work on something that winds up a miserable failure, even if they got paid for their time.  

Dude illegally crossed state lines with a gun he wasn’t supposed to have to pick a fight, and he found one.  He’s a straight-up murderer, and you’re an axe-grinding piece of shit.  

People just love to bitch about everything, took about all of five minutes to create a Twitch account, link it and then just picked a stream. Put the stream on mute and minimized and it and went to work.

Developers and artists already have the ability to sell or license their digital products. What makes the blockchain a better solution than what currently exists?

Yes, many of the people pumping NFTs and blockchain technology are doing it wrong for financial gain, but that doesn’t mean it has no valid use.

That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.  

I guess it was too much to hope that this guy would just go away after he left Nintendo.  

I mean, you can, but that’s by far the exception, and there’s no indication that’s the case here.  

All attendees (and certainly all staff) were required to show proof of vaccination, so presumably she was.

Because Adams’s interpretation of that ethos means further weaponizing a corrupt police force against the community he is supposed to serve.  

Imagine the worldview necessary to believe your leisure time requires “monetization” to be of value.