
Remember when all you had to hear about Presidential spiritual advisors was that the first lady believed in horoscopes, or that the President’s former pastor had failed to properly condemn a group calling for race-based armed revolution or something?

According to Mayor Pete, being a “practical mid-westerner” means being another pathetic copsucker that doesn’t care when pigs murder.

As a person who had nervous breakdown in 2018 I can see Randall is heading down a long hill with faulty brakes. His need to be in control/the savior of all things is only going to cripple him.

Now I need see Randall show up on Better Things to give Sam the side eye

When Beth told Randall that she needed him to take his ass to therapy and then, literally, emptied out her bag and showed him the weight she has been carrying and then broke it down for him...well, damn.

So since Trump isn’t accepting $400k/year or whatever it’s ok that he spends millions more than other Presidents on golfing? At his own private resort where the profits go directly to his pocket?

That’s how much golf Obama is estimated to have played in 8 years. Orange Asshole hasn’t been in office for a full 4 years yet. And he and his family are making millions by having the government pay for him to stay at his own properties. So if he is really donating his salary, it’s peanuts compared to what he is

If you're referring to me and not the troll, seek ophthalmic care immediately.

You answered your own question yourself when you quoted “Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People”. You don’t understand how misogyny works in the black community.

Tyler is going to be legitimately happy to get these; his ego will not allow him to reject rewards, no matter how ignoble they may be. lol

“She has a child’s understanding of the larger systems in play”

Here’s the thing: people increasingly aren’t buying what moderates are selling. Their “courtship” attempts toward “moderate” voters basically show them for what they are: a party beholden to the status quo but without the conviction/purity of the GOP.

Does she? She seems to understand the issues at hand, so “a child’s understanding” seems inapt. Is your understanding of the problem that she’s not sufficiently supportive of the mainstream party positions? Because that’s not what she was elected on.

The world has run out of time for baby steps.

The mother and former wife of late rap icon The Notorious B.I.G. are peeved at Lifetime networks about new documentary

Boomers hating this new ‘Boomers thing’ after shit talking Millennials for the last decade and a half is actually peak Boomer.

Beyonce was probably supposed to sing at the signing.

Yes, although there are people complaining about all the Spider-man movies.

Jay-z probably wrote the contract.  He always gets paid 

“disappointed with Colin’s actions and believes he turned a legitimate workout into a publicity stunt.” said Jay-Z while wearing a MAGA hat.